Few questions about TV-cards (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 20, 2012
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Canada Canada
Well, I can't for the life of me figure this out properly... I modified the files in the guide as it said, except I replaced each instance of eth0 with wlan0 and each eth1 with eth0, since those are the network adapters I would be using. I think I placed the STB's MAC address in all the places it should be but I was unclear on a few things, such as when it says:

# Set up the hardware (MAC) address
hwaddress ether 00:21:80:xx:yy:zz

am I to place my MAC address in after the :80, starting with the xx: or so I erase the 00 and go from there?

The way I have it filled out, when I check the ifconfig in the terminal the eth0 has the HWaddr of my STB which is what I want but the inet addr isn't a 10.x.x.x like the guide said is should be, and also when I look at the network dropdown menu it says both wired and wireless network are "device not managed".

I think I'm in way over my head here >< This seems like advanced linux stuff when I'm pretty much a linux noob.

Edit: Looking over the guide again, I'm starting to think that whatever changes I'm doing to this laptop would also have to be done to my HTPC when it arrives in order for this to continue working correctly; provided I get it to work correctly, does that sound correct?
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