Firedtv Standby (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 15, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany

I got a problem with my firedtv tv card after waking up from standby. I already started discussing that in the powerscheduler++ thread.

But now that I think its not a problem of powerscheduler, I decided to start this thread. At first I'll sum up the status quo:

My TV Server has the following specs:
Motherboard: ASUS E35M1-M
Graphic: onboard
OS: Win7 32bit
Mediaportal Version: Mepo 1.2.2
TV Cards: 2x FireDTV DVB-C

So I installed the powerscheduler++ plugin on my clients and on the server. At first I power on a client and the server. Watching TV works fine now.

After 5 minutes doing nothing the server goes into standby mode. But after waking up again the FireDTV Tuners are shown in the "Manual Control" Tab as "n/a". (Before going into standby theyre shown as DVB-C).

Stopping and restarting the TV Service doesnt fix that error. Rebooting the PC does fix it!

Please have a look at tv1.log now

The board user michael_t advised me that his firedtv tuner has a problem with the standby mode. He told me to use S4. I set the power saving mode in powerscheduler++ to S4. It didn't change anything. Error is still there. But: Do I have to activate S4 in BIOS or Windows?

The board user Wbunaarf told me to check the device manager in windows and set a delay to initialize the tuners. He also told me to use legacy firewire driver.
I already changed to that driver. The tuners are always shown up in the device manager. No errors.

Setting a tuner initialize delay doesnt change a thing., too. error is still there

I changed the idle state in the advanced tuning options from "stop card" to "pause card". No change. Erorr is still there.

I read in another board that changig the driver to "Texas Instruments OHCI" might help. I did that before - but my error was still there.

I thought about switching the OS to Vista or XP. Wbunaarf told me to stay with the latest - windows 7

I think about the following points which could help solving that problem:

- compare my supporttool log with yours; maybe Ive to change the driver?!
- I read in the dvbviewer board that fireDTVs have Problems with Power-over-Firewire after Standby. So I'll check what if I use the extra power adapter for the firedtv and not use power-over-firewire.
- I also read in the dvbviewer board that Firedtvs have Problems with some PSUs. Im now using a very simple 130w PSU. I'll check with my seasonic 330w one.
- I read in the board that problems can occour because of the firewire cable. Maybe i check with another cable although i dont want to spent any more money on this
- I also read in the board that you have to change the firewire driver to legacy at first and then plug in the firedtv for the first time. maybe Ill do a fresh reinstall of windows 7 32bit
- Maybe I check Vista or XP
- I read that AMD Boards my cause errors. Maybe i check with my intel atom board and pci VIA Firewire card

I also read that its recommended to use Texas Insruments Firewire Controllers. It's a pitty that i havent one. Im not sure about spending money on this!

Any other ideas? Last I can do is sell these cards and buy a digitaldevices duoflex or something like that

I attached my FireDTV Supporttool Log here.

User Wbunaarf told me to use only 1 firedtv card. I unplugged the otherone and disabled it in the tv server tab. In the manual control tab that card was shown as n/a from now on. I set tuners initialize delay to 30 and told powerscheduler to go to standby after 5 minutes.

at first i restartet and checked live tv. everything working fine. then i scheduled something, let the system go into standby and left home.

now as i came back i see that the system is still powered on and the tv service is stopped. I attached the TV2.log.

Last I thing I checked was the FireDTV TV Viewer after the system woke up from standby. Also that programm doesnt show TV. I think that looks like a driver/hardware/windows problem - and not a mediaportal problem


Any further tipps?


  • supporttool.txt
    1.9 KB


Portal Pro
January 15, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany

When I don't check "Restart TV Service after Standby" the Tuner is available, but scheduled recordings fail cause of this error:

2012-03-07 21:37:02.796400 [(4)]: Tvservice stopped due to an unhandled app domain exception System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.TimeoutExpired(Object commandObject)
   bei System.Threading._TimerCallback.TimerCallback_Context(Object state)
   bei System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   bei System.Threading._TimerCallback.PerformTimerCallback(Object state)

If i check "Restart TV Service after Standby" the tuner isnt available.

Any help?!


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  • January 5, 2008
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    Have you founf the solution? I have the same problem. Difference is that I use Win8 ENT 64bit. But all your path of solving is made the same. On hibernate all is ok, but standby is a problem.


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  • January 5, 2008
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    On windows 8? There is no such there. Where to get that legacy driver for windows 8 x64 for FireDTV?[DOUBLEPOST=1361434180][/DOUBLEPOST]As i have read that Microsoft was made a corrupted driver for firewire on win7, that is why they suggested to take legacy driver. For win 8 they rolled back to the same old driver. But I am not very sure that it is the same and that in win8 it is ok to put old legacy driver from somewhere.


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  • April 5, 2005

    The board user Wbunaarf told me to check the device manager in windows and set a delay to initialize the tuners. He also told me to use legacy firewire driver.

    I already changed to that driver. The tuners are always shown up in the device manager. No errors.

    According to that screenshot you're not actually using the legacy driver. For me I have (german localized Win7) a "...(alt)" behind the Firewire-Device.

    On windows 8? There is no such there. Where to get that legacy driver for windows 8 x64 for FireDTV?

    I somewhere read that you can extract the legacy driver from a Win7-System and use these...maybe google a bit for it and give it a try.
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