this in attach is a working version of the plugin. It captures to wmv format uncompressed vbr 100 (you can open the wme file with windows media encoder to see properties)...
By pressing stop button (in the upper group of button) to stop capture, the encoder needs some time to ending the elaboration (you can see this process by checking the file dimension that grow, at the moment).
Unfortunately, on my machine, it freeze the PC after some minutes (I don't know why...).
Please, if someone can help me to improve this plugin, I (and I think other members of this great community) will be very happy! It will be great if someone will make necessary changes to use DirectX, with MPEG2 encoding, instead of WMEncoder (this one is accurate, but very slow!!).
Hi all !
I'm made a new version that can read an xml profile and converts DV stream to whatever you want. In the attached file there is the plugin and all C# sourcecodes.
The profile file contains the filters sequence (you can make some conversion tests into Graphedit then you can write a new section in the profile xml file for use it into this plugin).
1) Copy the MyDVDevices.dll file into \MediaPortal\Plugins\Windows\ directory
2) Copy the folder MyDVDevicesProfiles under \MediaPortal\ folder
3) Copy the Skins subdirectories under \MediaPortal\Skins\ folder
4) Add this section at the end of MediaPortal.Xml file but before </profile> row (change C:\ with what you want, for example: E:\Capture\, etc..):
After replacing the moniker with my camera's, it doesn't work. It shows the page, I can select the buttons, but no action on the camera. In the log, it says something about not connecting pins...
the existing profile uses WinDVR3 encoders and other standard filters that comes with Windows... you must try to create a sequence of filters in GraphEdit software, then you can build your own profile section in Xml Profile file. Unfortunately I can't support you with filters/monikers because I'm not very good... I have spent a lot of time to do only that two sections.....
mmmh.. I haven't tried yet to write code to manage that devices.. I think that DV commands doesn't work with usb devices... This plugin uses DV commands to drive directly all standard DV devices throught the MSDV filters, drivers and adapters... I haven't tried to make a plugin that acquires signals for USB camera 'cause I have not yet found a right combination of filters to use with GraphEdit / DirectShowNet... Perhaps in the future...
Finally, I was able to create a sequence of filters on graphedt that can capture video from my DV Camera into an ASF file.
But, when I try to reproduce that sequence in an XML profile, it doesn't work either.
Right now I cannot post the logs and profile, but I'll try later.
Here are the logs, the profile I modified for my camera and a filter sequence for Graphedt that works.
I also include another filter sequence that is automatically created by the plugin in c:\ (MediaConverterTemp.grf).
I did the following operations:
- Select the profile "DV To Avi".
- Press "Start".
- Inmediately it says the capture has ended.
- Wait a few seconds and press "Stop".
- Try to control the camera with "Play", "Rew", etc... but nothing happens.
With the "MiniDV a AVI.grf" attached, I can control the camera from graphedt and capture into ASF.