Full Sceen mode is black after returning from an app (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
August 1, 2004
New Zealand
Windows Version: XP sp2
CPU Type: AMD 3200
Memory: 512mb
Motherboard: AV8
Motherboard Chipset: VIA
Motherboard Bios: Award
Video Card: RTI AIW 9600 Pro
Video Card Driver: cat 5.8
Video Render Type: VMR
Video Codec: intervideo
Audio Codec: intervideo
Satelite/CableTV Provider:

When using the My programs plugin, when I return from an application that has run in full mode the MediaPortal sceen is all back (light in standby) I know the Mediaportal application is working as I can hear the noises if I use the arrow keys.
The CSV build I am using is mediaportal-cvs-11-02-2005--09-20.rar


Portal Member
August 1, 2004
New Zealand
I thought I better post this, I found out the the C drive where MP was located on become full which appeared to have started this error. I cleared up a lot of space the Uninstalled /reinstalled RC 2 with the latest CSV and this problem went away.

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