I've a cyberlink remote control, that's works fine on PowerCinema 5.
Under Mediaportal works under a HID Generic mode, and all keys works fine except Teletext, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, LiveTV, Radio and LastCH.
These keys don't send a numeric code (i use the KeyBoard Input and Message Plugins to sniffer the code).
The keys Channel Up and Channel Down don't send any code, but works fine.
Is it possible to operate these keys?
Thanks in advance
I've a cyberlink remote control, that's works fine on PowerCinema 5.
Under Mediaportal works under a HID Generic mode, and all keys works fine except Teletext, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, LiveTV, Radio and LastCH.
These keys don't send a numeric code (i use the KeyBoard Input and Message Plugins to sniffer the code).
The keys Channel Up and Channel Down don't send any code, but works fine.
Is it possible to operate these keys?
Thanks in advance