Is their an easy way that I can have clients show a specific genre or rating of movies only.
For instance I have set up a client of MP and Moving Pictures on my daughters computer, I would like to have it only show of course movies for children, G-PG, is their a way of doing this already available?
If not would it be something to be added in future, maybe the easiest way would be through a .txt file dropped in a movies folder that would tell Moving Pictures that is is OK to add it to client computers database based on settings allowed in that clients configuration of Moving Pictures.
For instance We could add a file to a movies folder named "rated.txt" and have a rating section in the configuration of moving pictures for current movie ratings (G-PG-PG13-R-X-not sure of all them) and they could have radio check boxes, moving pictures would only show or find movies that contained a rated.txt file that included the according rating in it.
I think this would be a very nice addition to an already Great Plugin.
Thanks Steve.
For instance I have set up a client of MP and Moving Pictures on my daughters computer, I would like to have it only show of course movies for children, G-PG, is their a way of doing this already available?
If not would it be something to be added in future, maybe the easiest way would be through a .txt file dropped in a movies folder that would tell Moving Pictures that is is OK to add it to client computers database based on settings allowed in that clients configuration of Moving Pictures.
For instance We could add a file to a movies folder named "rated.txt" and have a rating section in the configuration of moving pictures for current movie ratings (G-PG-PG13-R-X-not sure of all them) and they could have radio check boxes, moving pictures would only show or find movies that contained a rated.txt file that included the according rating in it.
I think this would be a very nice addition to an already Great Plugin.
Thanks Steve.