Getting Composite working with MediaPortal and Theatre 550?? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 12, 2006
I bought a nice shiny new Sappire Theatrix, ATI Theatre 550 card, and its great, plus works with mediaportal! The only problem is I cant seem to get my PS2 hooked up to composite working. I fiddled around a bit with the channels and the channel 'RGB' gets the SOUND from the ps2, but no video...

Can anyone help me?


Portal Pro
March 12, 2006
Ok, that wasnt mediaportal that stopped the TV... But a good restart fixed it.

About that external thing, I'm not sure.... I go to add channel, then I click 'external' then click 'received via set top box' then Input via , but do I need anything as the channnel? Without it, it just has the sound again... Any help?

Edit: Wait, forget everything I just said. FIXED IT!!! Dunno what I did, but its fixed :D thanks for the help anyway.

But wait! Now theres a new problem. There is a delay of about 2 seconds between when I press a button and when something happens on screen. Now it could just be my tv card, but I dont think so seeing how good it is and all... The reviews say there is no delay at all on ps2...

What could it be?


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • February 16, 2005
    I think the size of the delay depends on your TV card. Remember that you are getting an analog signal and digitising it and the time this takes will introduce a delay.

    You may want to try turning off timeshifting though. That may help.


    Portal Pro
    March 12, 2006
    I kinda fixed that problem as well.... Althought not in mediaportal. I just downloaded AMCAP and thers no delay at all... So i guess its a software thing. Maybe if i fiddle a bit, i might be able to get it working with mediaportal

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