Going mad ! :) (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
September 4, 2005
Im trying to change some elements in my video and my music.

I've been trying for hours to do it but cant figure it out :(
Yeah im more a graphics man than coder...

I'm using the editor by smirnoff.

Is there any FAQ on the different xml files ?
mymusicgenres.xml and mymusicplaylist.xml i can move elements around
with no problem.
But with the mymusicsongs.xml i dont understand the build ups.
Can someone explain this xml file and where to change stuff ?

Best Regards


Portal Member
September 4, 2005
Hmmm maybe i was not that clear or my question is really dunb ?

Does any1 know what xml file to edit to change the shares view in music and video ? (i cant find it)

What has commone.facade to do with this screens ?

And finally why is it that when i try to move the hoover
image for video or music overlay it goes bananas. It will blow up
visualisations in full screen when i play a movie or song !

Please if anyone has any pointers to me it would really help me
finsish my skin :)


Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • May 21, 2004
    Does any1 know what xml file to edit to change the shares view in music and video ?
    music: mymusicsongs.xml
    video: myvideo.xml

    if you are creating new graphics and those are the changes, you need to delete the graphics cache files before you start your skin. there are at least 2 (one .xml file and one png file) sometimes more depenind on your graphics....they are the files that start with packedgfx in your skin's directory.

    What has commone.facade to do with this screens ?
    if you are editing a recent version of bluetwo, common.facade.xml is a file that lays out the basic list controls. mp takes the code from the common facade file and drops it where the import tags are.

    And finally why is it that when i try to move the hoover
    image for video or music overlay it goes bananas. It will blow up
    visualisations in full screen when i play a movie or song
    i edit files by hand and dont have any experience with hamheed's editor but here is a suggestion. make a copy of the file you are trying to edit and check it against the edited file in notepad or wordpad. if all you want to do is move files around, make sure the only tags that changed are the posx and posy tags, and not something like id. you may also want explain what you mean by bananas, because the behavior itselt my indicate where the problem is.


    Portal Member
    September 4, 2005
    Thanks boiler maker !!

    I figured it out. By editing the musicoverlay settings
    purley in notepad. (XY and size) it works :)
    But if i do it in the editor it doesent. So the bug is apperantly in the editor :)

    Thanks again !!

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