Tools and other software Good torrent RSS Client - Better than built in utorrent (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
March 12, 2009
I'm looking for a good tvseries Rss downloader.
I am running utorrent on my HTPC, but it tends to download a lot of junk (maybe I just haven't spend enough time of filters). I hate the fact that I can't specify to exclude RAR files or WMVs. Also they don't have the webui working for the RSS feeds (often I like to browse the rss feeds to pickup new miniseries or documentaries that have aired. I would be nice to be able to specify (or have it auto query theTVDB to find out when something airs and only looks for episodes after the air time.

the mytorrent plugin seems out of date, Any body find anything this flexible yet? Seems like all the bits and pieces are there, but no one has fully put it together yet.


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  • September 3, 2006
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    Norway Norway
    Sounds to me as if you're using a poor RSS-feed. I've got a RSS-feed that's only showing tv-shows, and then I've added filters that downloads the shows I want and excludes complete seasons.

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