Green button on mce remote (1 Viewer)



I know it has been discused earlier and there is a plugin but i would real like if the remote could work as in win xp mce from the start - then you press the green button you always come to the start meny and the back button goes only one step back. For example in videos you have a subcategory for movies and under that an category for "24" etc - if you are in the direcory for 24 and press the back botton i would like to land in movies not back to the start meny as now.



Portal Pro
November 17, 2004
bbb said:
I know it has been discused earlier and there is a plugin but i would real like if the remote could work as in win xp mce from the start - then you press the green button you always come to the start meny and the back button goes only one step back. For example in videos you have a subcategory for movies and under that an category for "24" etc - if you are in the direcory for 24 and press the back botton i would like to land in movies not back to the start meny as now.


No way. MediaPortal is already too obsessed with covering everything MCE can do.... I mean damn, they're not the same program.......

Nine times out of ten, it's the features that MCE does NOT have that are what make MP a better choice than MCE, rather than the features that both have but are slightly better in MCE. (Hate to say it but, MCE is just better at some things)


I agree with that mce is better in some points - for exampl the function of the green buton. But i cant see any problem with copying what is good from mce to mp, this way you have all advantage of mce and can add extra features special to mp to make it even better then mce. About that mp looks and feels like mce I think it is a good idee, because mce is kind of a referens system and also very easy to use.


Portal Pro
November 17, 2004
I personally think a better reference system would be Meedio.... I'll prolly get flamed for saying so but I think MP is more like Meedio in a lot of ways.

Anyway, aside from some recording and scheduling issues, I don't have any major problems with MP.... just some things I'd like to see changed that will probably be changed over time anyway. (Features that automatically set themselves up but also allow a lot of user control if needed, for example the TV tuning)

I'm mainly talking about copying things from MCE that aren't handled really well to begin with in MCE, at least from a user control perspective. For example, the way files are saved. The way you have to do it in MCE is horrible; should it be done the same way in MP? Of course not. MCE doesn't seem to recognize the fact that its parent system is still a PC at heart, and not everything can be a "hide all computer aspects from the user" WebTV/TiVo clone.....

With the Explorer and My Programs plugins, among others, MediaPortal allows a lot of file browser implementation that isn't possible under MCE. Also, the very fact that they are indeed plugins allows those who do not want this functionality, to have the option of not using it. (In fact, the plugin-based nature of MP is one of the things that separates it most from MCE in the first place.) As such, MediaPortal has the ability to surpass MCE in several respects, in that it can be more than a simple GUI and background process, and can over time further integrate into a PC as a replacement shell.... For those who would want such function.


I have tested mp, mce and meedio. Mce doesnt support my language and cost a lot, also i dont like that its so easy to accidently delete fils. But it was an good program and easy too use. Meedio is in many ways a good program but in my opinion its mutch too many plugins to install to get i running the way you want it. I had several things that didnt work the way they were supposed to. Therefor i think mp is the ultimate solution betwin mce and meedio - a program that is pretty much as you would like it from the start and you also have the possibility to customise it further if you want. This makes mp to the best choise even excluded the fact that mp is free witch mce and meedio isnt. However I think our disagrement dont lies in the function and possibility of plugins, i simply want a more easy way too use the remote. As the example in my first post its a bit more nonuserfriendly that you must find the symbol of the stairway and press ok too goe one category upp insted of just pressing the backbutton. The backbutton now in this way reacts as the geen button and takes you to the start meny. But it is allso inconsecvent in mp- if you are waching tv on fullscree it takes you just one step back (to tv in small screen). Besides mp allready has some fast jumpfunctions - livetv starts on press werever you are in the program for example. Therefor I think it would be more userfriendly if the greenbutton toke you to the start and the backbutton went just one step back.


MP should never try to become MCE, and I bet it never will.
But the two things you bring up should definitely be incorporated in MP because they are two very useful features which make your life a lot easier :wink:

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