[TV] Groupe Channels with different quality (1 Viewer)


Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    On Box Provider, we have choice between 2 or 3 Video quality(resolution) & Audio ( HD , SD and DVB-T, and Auto : select better choice)
    We can choose quality, it save it as default stream for this channel for the next watch.
    Can we have similar fonction in TVE 3.5 ?

    Example : DVB-T Channel TF1 and TF1 HD
    TF1 is SD stream 576p
    TF1 Hd is HD stream 1080i & AC3 audio
    We can view both channel on the N°1 of Channel list


    @mm1352000 @gibman
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