harmony 985, USB-UIRT, Denon avr-3808 (1 Viewer)


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  • January 13, 2005
    Austria /Europe
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    Austria Austria
    I ran into an unresolvable problem (according to logitechs support) when using th eabove mentioned setup. the problem is that when i try to increase the volume on my denon every playing video, dvd or tv-timeshift is instantly restarted from the beginning. i have my harmony installed with logitechs setup for mediaportal ( which i think emulates an mce remote). it seems that the two ir codes interfere. logitechs support told me they know about this problem but see no way to resolve it right now.
    my solution would be to alter the code for mp to restart a video or tv-timeshift but i cant find the appropriate comand.
    has anyone run into the same problem and has resolved it somehow or can anyone tell me which command is involved for mp?

    please help, as i find it very annoying as it is...

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