Hauppauge 45 Buttons in My Video Fullscreen/back button bug (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 11, 2005
Orléans, France
Home Country
France France
Step to reproduce the problem :

1 - Start Mediaportal
2 - Go To My Videos
3 - Select a file to play and hit OK with the remote
4 - when the video is playing in fullscreen, hit the back/exit button of the remote => nothing happens
5 - then press stop or red or back or any other button of the remote, nothing wil occur. The only working button are the green one and the home button.

Area: Media Portal Program / My Video Fullscreen
MP Version: 0.2 RC 2 - CVS from the 31th of January
Skin: Blue Two
Windows Version: XP SP2
CPU Type: AMD 2500+ no overclock
Memory: 512 DDR400
Motherboard Chipset: Asrock VT4A Pro (VIA KT400A)
Video Card: Nvidia Geforce 4200 Ti
Video Card Driver: Latest Standard Detonator
Video Card Resolution: 1024*768
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: Intervideo
Audio Codec Type & Version: MPEG/AC3/DTS/LDPCM Audio Dec

TV Card 1: Hybrid / Hauppauge HVR 1300
TV Card 1 Type: hardware / DVB
TV Card 1 Driver: Latest official from hauppauge.fr (2.4)

Remote : Hauppauge silver 45 Buttons bundled with the board (not mce)

Optional Log:

01/02/2006 18:56:26 MediaPortal is starting up
01/02/2006 18:56:26 Set current directory to :C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
01/02/2006 18:56:26 verify that directx 9 is installed
01/02/2006 18:56:26 verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
01/02/2006 18:56:26 Windows media player version:10,0,0,3646 installed
01/02/2006 18:56:26 Check if mediaportal is already started
01/02/2006 18:56:26 delete old log\capture.log file...
01/02/2006 18:56:26 Check skin version
01/02/2006 18:56:26 Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
01/02/2006 18:56:26 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
01/02/2006 18:56:26 Init playlist player
01/02/2006 18:56:26 creating the WINLIRC device
01/02/2006 18:56:26 Initialising WinLirc...
01/02/2006 18:56:26 WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
01/02/2006 18:56:26 Winlirc process not found
01/02/2006 18:56:26 done creating the WINLIRC device
01/02/2006 18:56:26 Init players
01/02/2006 18:56:26 initializing DirectX
01/02/2006 18:56:26 start fullscreen
01/02/2006 18:56:26 ClientSize: 1024x768 screen:1024x768
01/02/2006 18:56:26 MAP: using default mappings for Hauppauge HCW
01/02/2006 18:56:26 UDPHelper: Starting listener on port 2111
01/02/2006 18:56:26 UDPHelper: Listening for messages on port 2111
01/02/2006 18:56:26 Process: MediaPortal
01/02/2006 18:56:26 HCW: AllowExternal
01/02/2006 18:56:26 MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
01/02/2006 18:56:27 texturemanager:dispose()
01/02/2006 18:56:27 TexturePacker:Dispose()
01/02/2006 18:56:27 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
01/02/2006 18:56:27 load localized strings from:language\French\strings.xml
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1104 text:left
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:5919 text:Weekend box office
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:5920 text:Movies opening this week
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:5921 text:Movies coming soon
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:5922 text:Top selling DVDs
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:5923 text:New on DVD this week
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:5924 text:New on DVD next week
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:5925 text:DVD pre-orders
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:200037 text:confused:kip >
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4500 text:confused:kip albums with existing cover art
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4501 text:confused:ave cover art in album folder
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4502 text:confused:ave cover art in thumbs folder
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4503 text:Getting album count. Please wait...
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4507 text:Cover art grabber aborted by user
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4508 text:Cover art grab completed successfuly
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4509 text:Cover art grab completed with errors
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4510 text:{0} cover art images updated
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4511 text:Cover Art Grabber Done
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4514 text:Cover Art Grabber
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4515 text:Cover Art Grabber Search Results
01/02/2006 18:56:27 language file:language\French\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4522 text:Grabbing: {0}...
01/02/2006 18:56:27 Load fonts from skin\BlueTwo\fonts.xml
01/02/2006 18:56:27 fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
01/02/2006 18:56:27 Loaded font:debug height:12 texture:256x256 chars:[32-255] miplevels:1
01/02/2006 18:56:27 Loaded font:font10 height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
01/02/2006 18:56:27 Loaded font:font12 height:16 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
01/02/2006 18:56:27 Loaded font:font13 height:17 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
01/02/2006 18:56:27 HCWHelper: Starting up
01/02/2006 18:56:28 UDPHelper: Starting listener on port 2110
01/02/2006 18:56:28 Loaded font:font14 height:18 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
01/02/2006 18:56:28 Loaded font:font16 height:21 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
01/02/2006 18:56:28 Loaded font:font18 height:24 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
01/02/2006 18:56:28 Loaded font:dingbats height:32 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
01/02/2006 18:56:28 Loaded font:font32 height:42 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
01/02/2006 18:56:28 Loaded font:font48 height:64 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
01/02/2006 18:56:28 UDPHelper: Listening for messages on port 2110
01/02/2006 18:56:28 Loaded font:font72 height:96 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
01/02/2006 18:56:28 Loaded font:fontSVT height:17 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
01/02/2006 18:56:28 Load skin BlueTwo
01/02/2006 18:56:28 LoadWindowPlugins()
01/02/2006 18:56:28 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\Dialogs.dll
01/02/2006 18:56:28 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\WindowPlugins.dll
01/02/2006 18:56:28 Loading references from skin\BlueTwo\references.xml
01/02/2006 18:56:29 original skin size:720x576
01/02/2006 18:56:29 xml:skin\BlueTwo\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
01/02/2006 18:56:29 opening tvdatabase
01/02/2006 18:56:29 using sqlite 3.2.8
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: tblversion
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: channel
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: tblPrograms
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: genre
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: recording
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: canceledseries
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: recorded
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: tblDVBSMapping
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: tblDVBCMapping
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: tblATSCMapping
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: tblDVBTMapping
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: tblGroups
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: tblGroupMapping
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: tblChannelCard
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: tblNotifies
01/02/2006 18:56:33 AddTable: tblEPGMapping
01/02/2006 18:56:33 tvdatabase opened
01/02/2006 18:56:33 Init MPScript
01/02/2006 18:56:33 C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\scripts
01/02/2006 18:56:33 xml:skin\BlueTwo\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
01/02/2006 18:56:34 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\XihSolutions.DotMSN.dll
01/02/2006 18:56:34 WindowManager.Load
01/02/2006 18:56:34 load calibration1024x768.xml
01/02/2006 18:56:34 WindowManager.Preinitialize
01/02/2006 18:56:34 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
01/02/2006 18:56:34 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
01/02/2006 18:56:34 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\black.bmp total:0 mem left:179306496
01/02/2006 18:56:34 WindowManager.ActivateWindow
01/02/2006 18:56:34 xml:skin\BlueTwo\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
01/02/2006 18:56:34 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
01/02/2006 18:56:34 skin initialized
01/02/2006 18:56:34 DX9 size: 1024x768
01/02/2006 18:56:34 video ram left:175104 KByte
01/02/2006 18:56:35 running...
01/02/2006 18:56:35 Mediaportal.OnStartup()
01/02/2006 18:56:35 Recorder: card:1 video device:Hauppauge WinTV 88x TS Capture TV:True record:True priority:1
01/02/2006 18:56:35 PlugInManager.Load()
01/02/2006 18:56:35 Load plugins from :plugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
01/02/2006 18:56:35 PlugInManager.Start()
01/02/2006 18:56:49 HCWHelper: command sent: 2020
01/02/2006 18:56:49 HCW: received: CMD|2020|-8590627902763682058~
01/02/2006 18:56:49 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2020|-8590627902763682058
01/02/2006 18:56:49 HCW: elapsed time: 421
01/02/2006 18:56:49 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:56:49 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2020
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCWHelper: command sent: 2037
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCW: received: CMD|2037|-8590627902753369558~
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2037|-8590627902753369558
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCW: elapsed time: 31
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2037
01/02/2006 18:56:50 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
01/02/2006 18:56:50 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
01/02/2006 18:56:50 Recorder:disable dx9 exclusive mode
01/02/2006 18:56:50 goto windowed:True
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCWHelper: command sent: 2037
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCW: received: CMD|2037|-8590627902752432058~
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2037|-8590627902752432058
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCW: elapsed time: 93
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCW: same command, timeout false
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCWHelper: command sent: 2037
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCW: received: CMD|2037|-8590627902751494558~
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2037|-8590627902751494558
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCW: elapsed time: 93
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCW: sameCommandCount: 1
01/02/2006 18:56:50 HCW: same command, timeout false
01/02/2006 18:56:50 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
01/02/2006 18:56:50 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:197
01/02/2006 18:56:50 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles init
01/02/2006 18:56:50 open folderdatabase
01/02/2006 18:56:50 AddTable:[path]
01/02/2006 18:56:50 AddTable:[setting]
01/02/2006 18:56:50 opening video database
01/02/2006 18:56:50 AddTable: bookmark
01/02/2006 18:56:50 AddTable: genre
01/02/2006 18:56:50 AddTable: genrelinkmovie
01/02/2006 18:56:50 AddTable: movie
01/02/2006 18:56:50 AddTable: movieinfo
01/02/2006 18:56:50 AddTable: actorlinkmovie
01/02/2006 18:56:50 AddTable: actors
01/02/2006 18:56:50 AddTable: path
01/02/2006 18:56:50 AddTable: files
01/02/2006 18:56:50 AddTable: resume
01/02/2006 18:56:50 AddTable: duration
01/02/2006 18:56:50 AddTable: actorinfo
01/02/2006 18:56:50 AddTable: actorinfomovies
01/02/2006 18:56:50 video database opened
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCWHelper: command sent: 2021
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: received: CMD|2021|-8590627902721494558~
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2021|-8590627902721494558
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: elapsed time: 0
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: sameCommandCount: 2
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2021
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCWHelper: command sent: 2021
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: received: CMD|2021|-8590627902720557058~
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2021|-8590627902720557058
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: elapsed time: 93
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: same command, timeout false
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCWHelper: command sent: 2021
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: received: CMD|2021|-8590627902717744558~
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2021|-8590627902717744558
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: elapsed time: 281
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: sameCommandCount: 1
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: same command, timeout true
01/02/2006 18:56:53 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2021
01/02/2006 18:56:54 HCWHelper: command sent: 2021
01/02/2006 18:56:54 HCW: received: CMD|2021|-8590627902713994558~
01/02/2006 18:56:54 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2021|-8590627902713994558
01/02/2006 18:56:54 HCW: elapsed time: 375
01/02/2006 18:56:54 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:56:54 HCW: same command, timeout true
01/02/2006 18:56:54 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2021
01/02/2006 18:56:55 HCWHelper: command sent: 2037
01/02/2006 18:56:55 HCW: received: CMD|2037|-8590627902700869558~
01/02/2006 18:56:55 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2037|-8590627902700869558
01/02/2006 18:56:55 HCW: elapsed time: 312
01/02/2006 18:56:55 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:56:55 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2037
01/02/2006 18:56:55 GUIVideoFiles::OnPlayBackStopped idFile=19 timeMovieStopped=1035 resumeData=System.Byte[]
01/02/2006 18:56:55 window:MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogYesNo init
01/02/2006 18:56:59 HCWHelper: command sent: 2037
01/02/2006 18:56:59 HCW: received: CMD|2037|-8590627902663369558~
01/02/2006 18:56:59 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2037|-8590627902663369558
01/02/2006 18:56:59 HCW: elapsed time: 750
01/02/2006 18:56:59 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:56:59 HCW: same command, timeout true
01/02/2006 18:56:59 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2037
01/02/2006 18:56:59 PlaylistPlayer.Play(D:\Videos\Film - HERO (Jet LI) -2004 - DVD Rip Fr.avi)
01/02/2006 18:56:59 player: file is not live tv, so stop timeshifting:D:\Videos\Film - HERO (Jet LI) -2004 - DVD Rip Fr.avi
01/02/2006 18:56:59 Command:confused:top radio
01/02/2006 18:56:59 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False epggrabbing:False channel:
01/02/2006 18:56:59 Command:confused:top timeshifting
01/02/2006 18:56:59 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False epggrabbing:False channel:
01/02/2006 18:56:59 g_Player.Play(D:\Videos\Film - HERO (Jet LI) -2004 - DVD Rip Fr.avi)
01/02/2006 18:56:59 Loading external players plugins
01/02/2006 18:56:59 found plugin:MediaPortal.ITunesPlayer.ITunesPlugin in plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
01/02/2006 18:56:59 player:iTunes audio player. author: Frodo
01/02/2006 18:56:59 found plugin:MediaPortal.FoobarPlugin.FoobarPlugin in plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
01/02/2006 18:56:59 player:Foobar2000. author: int_20h
01/02/2006 18:56:59 found plugin:MediaPortal.WinampPlayer.WinampPlugin in plugins\ExternalPlayers\ExternalPlayers.dll
01/02/2006 18:56:59 player:Winamp. author: int_20h
01/02/2006 18:56:59 VideoPlayer:play D:\Videos\Film - HERO (Jet LI) -2004 - DVD Rip Fr.avi
01/02/2006 18:56:59 vmr9:ctor() done:True
01/02/2006 18:56:59 goto fullscreen:True
01/02/2006 18:56:59 app:confused:witch to fullscreen mode False
01/02/2006 18:56:59 app:confused:witched to fullscreen mode
01/02/2006 18:56:59 vmr9:addvmr9
01/02/2006 18:56:59 VMR9: now active
01/02/2006 18:56:59 VMR9Helper:Vmr9 Added
01/02/2006 18:56:59 add filter:Default DirectSound Device to graph clock:Default DirectSound Device
01/02/2006 18:57:00 added filter:Default DirectSound Device to graph
01/02/2006 18:57:01 VideoPlayer:Duration:5666
01/02/2006 18:57:01 g_Player.OnStarted() D:\Videos\Film - HERO (Jet LI) -2004 - DVD Rip Fr.avi media:Video
01/02/2006 18:57:01 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles deinit
01/02/2006 18:57:01 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
01/02/2006 18:57:01 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFullscreen init
01/02/2006 18:57:01 VMR9Helper: playing->repaint
01/02/2006 18:57:01 PlaneScene: video WxH : 640x272
01/02/2006 18:57:01 PlaneScene: video AR : 640:272
01/02/2006 18:57:01 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 953x662
01/02/2006 18:57:01 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
01/02/2006 18:57:01 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1,15
01/02/2006 18:57:01 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(640,272)
01/02/2006 18:57:01 PlaneScene: dst : (34,172)-(987,638)
01/02/2006 18:57:01 seekabs:1035
01/02/2006 18:57:01 seekabs:1035 done
01/02/2006 18:57:01 VMR9Helper: repaint->playing 53
01/02/2006 18:57:17 HCWHelper: command sent: 2031
01/02/2006 18:57:17 HCW: received: CMD|2031|-8590627902484307058~
01/02/2006 18:57:17 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2031|-8590627902484307058
01/02/2006 18:57:17 HCW: elapsed time: 906
01/02/2006 18:57:17 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:57:17 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2031
01/02/2006 18:57:17 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFullscreen deinit
01/02/2006 18:57:17 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
01/02/2006 18:57:17 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles init
01/02/2006 18:57:17 PlaneScene: video WxH : 640x272
01/02/2006 18:57:17 PlaneScene: video AR : 640:272
01/02/2006 18:57:17 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 953x662
01/02/2006 18:57:17 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
01/02/2006 18:57:17 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1,15
01/02/2006 18:57:17 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(640,272)
01/02/2006 18:57:17 PlaneScene: dst : (34,172)-(987,638)
01/02/2006 18:57:17 HCWHelper: command sent: 2031
01/02/2006 18:57:17 HCW: received: CMD|2031|-8590627902483369558~
01/02/2006 18:57:17 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2031|-8590627902483369558
01/02/2006 18:57:17 HCW: elapsed time: 93
01/02/2006 18:57:17 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:57:17 HCW: same command, timeout false
01/02/2006 18:57:24 HCWHelper: command sent: 2054
01/02/2006 18:57:24 HCW: received: CMD|2054|-8590627902405557058~
01/02/2006 18:57:24 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2054|-8590627902405557058
01/02/2006 18:57:24 HCW: elapsed time: 781
01/02/2006 18:57:24 HCW: sameCommandCount: 1
01/02/2006 18:57:24 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2054
01/02/2006 18:57:28 HCWHelper: command sent: 2022
01/02/2006 18:57:28 HCW: received: CMD|2022|-8590627902369932058~
01/02/2006 18:57:28 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2022|-8590627902369932058
01/02/2006 18:57:28 HCW: elapsed time: 562
01/02/2006 18:57:28 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:57:28 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2022
01/02/2006 18:57:28 HCWHelper: command sent: 2022
01/02/2006 18:57:28 HCW: received: CMD|2022|-8590627902368994558~
01/02/2006 18:57:28 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2022|-8590627902368994558
01/02/2006 18:57:28 HCW: elapsed time: 93
01/02/2006 18:57:28 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:57:28 HCW: same command, timeout false
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCWHelper: command sent: 2037
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: received: CMD|2037|-8590627902363369558~
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2037|-8590627902363369558
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: elapsed time: 562
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: sameCommandCount: 1
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2037
01/02/2006 18:57:29 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles deinit
01/02/2006 18:57:29 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
01/02/2006 18:57:29 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles init
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCWHelper: command sent: 2037
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: received: CMD|2037|-8590627902362432058~
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2037|-8590627902362432058
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: elapsed time: 93
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: same command, timeout false
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCWHelper: command sent: 2037
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: received: CMD|2037|-8590627902361494558~
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2037|-8590627902361494558
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: elapsed time: 93
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: sameCommandCount: 1
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: same command, timeout false
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCWHelper: command sent: 2021
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: received: CMD|2021|-8590627902356807058~
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2021|-8590627902356807058
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: elapsed time: 468
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: sameCommandCount: 2
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2021
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCWHelper: command sent: 2021
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: received: CMD|2021|-8590627902355869558~
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2021|-8590627902355869558
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: elapsed time: 93
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:57:29 HCW: same command, timeout false
01/02/2006 18:57:30 HCWHelper: command sent: 2023
01/02/2006 18:57:30 HCW: received: CMD|2023|-8590627902349307058~
01/02/2006 18:57:30 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2023|-8590627902349307058
01/02/2006 18:57:30 HCW: elapsed time: 656
01/02/2006 18:57:30 HCW: sameCommandCount: 1
01/02/2006 18:57:30 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2023
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCWHelper: command sent: 2059
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCW: received: CMD|2059|-8590627902332432058~
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2059|-8590627902332432058
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCW: elapsed time: 687
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2059
01/02/2006 18:57:32 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Video.GUIVideoFiles deinit
01/02/2006 18:57:32 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
01/02/2006 18:57:32 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCWHelper: command sent: 2059
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCW: received: CMD|2059|-8590627902331494558~
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2059|-8590627902331494558
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCW: elapsed time: 93
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCW: same command, timeout false
01/02/2006 18:57:32 PlaneScene: video WxH : 640x272
01/02/2006 18:57:32 PlaneScene: video AR : 640:272
01/02/2006 18:57:32 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 192x144
01/02/2006 18:57:32 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
01/02/2006 18:57:32 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1,15
01/02/2006 18:57:32 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(640,272)
01/02/2006 18:57:32 PlaneScene: dst : (122,591)-(314,685)
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCWHelper: command sent: 2059
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCW: received: CMD|2059|-8590627902330557058~
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2059|-8590627902330557058
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCW: elapsed time: 93
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCW: sameCommandCount: 1
01/02/2006 18:57:32 HCW: same command, timeout false
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCWHelper: command sent: 2054
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCW: received: CMD|2054|-8590627902281807058~
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2054|-8590627902281807058
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCW: elapsed time: 875
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCW: sameCommandCount: 2
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2054
01/02/2006 18:57:37 App.Onaction() stop media
01/02/2006 18:57:37 g_Player.Stop()
01/02/2006 18:57:37 g_Player.OnStopped()
01/02/2006 18:57:37 GUIVideoFiles::OnPlayBackStopped idFile=19 timeMovieStopped=1070 resumeData=
01/02/2006 18:57:37 GUIVideoFiles::OnPlayBackStopped store resume time
01/02/2006 18:57:37 VideoPlayer:ended D:\Videos\Film - HERO (Jet LI) -2004 - DVD Rip Fr.avi
01/02/2006 18:57:37 VideoPlayer9:cleanup DShow graph
01/02/2006 18:57:37 state:confused:topped 0
01/02/2006 18:57:37 vmr9:Dispose
01/02/2006 18:57:37 VMR9: not active
01/02/2006 18:57:37 goto windowed:False
01/02/2006 18:57:37 app:confused:witch to windowed mode False
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCWHelper: command sent: 2054
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCW: received: CMD|2054|-8590627902280869558~
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2054|-8590627902280869558
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCW: elapsed time: 93
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCW: same command, timeout false
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCWHelper: command sent: 2054
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCW: received: CMD|2054|-8590627902279932058~
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2054|-8590627902279932058
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCW: elapsed time: 93
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCW: sameCommandCount: 1
01/02/2006 18:57:37 HCW: same command, timeout false
01/02/2006 18:57:37 app:confused:witched to windowed mode
01/02/2006 18:57:44 HCWHelper: command sent: 2061
01/02/2006 18:57:44 HCW: received: CMD|2061|-8590627902214307058~
01/02/2006 18:57:44 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2061|-8590627902214307058
01/02/2006 18:57:44 HCW: elapsed time: 562
01/02/2006 18:57:44 HCW: sameCommandCount: 2
01/02/2006 18:57:44 HCW: repeat filter accepted: 2061
01/02/2006 18:57:44 HCWHelper: command sent: 2061
01/02/2006 18:57:44 HCW: received: CMD|2061|-8590627902213369558~
01/02/2006 18:57:44 HCW: Accepted: CMD|2061|-8590627902213369558
01/02/2006 18:57:44 HCW: elapsed time: 93
01/02/2006 18:57:44 HCW: sameCommandCount: 0
01/02/2006 18:57:44 HCW: same command, timeout false
01/02/2006 18:57:44 Mediaportal.OnExit()
01/02/2006 18:57:44 TVCapture.Stop() Card:1
01/02/2006 18:57:44 HCWHelper: received APP|SHUTDOWN|-8590627902208057058~
01/02/2006 18:57:44 HCWHelper: OnClosing
01/02/2006 18:57:44 HCWHelper: closing driver successful
01/02/2006 18:57:44 PlugInManager.Stop()
01/02/2006 18:57:44 PluginManager: stopping ProcessPlugins.DiskSpace.EpisodeManagement
01/02/2006 18:57:44 PluginManager: stopping ProcessPlugins.DiskSpace.DiskManagement
01/02/2006 18:57:44 PluginManager: stopping ProcessPlugins.TVNotifies.NotifyManager
01/02/2006 18:57:44 PluginManager: stopping ProcessPlugins.DiskSpace.RecordingManagement
01/02/2006 18:57:44 MediaPortal done
01/02/2006 18:57:44 dbs:close:programDatabaseV3.db3
01/02/2006 18:57:44 dbs:close:VideoDatabaseV5.db3
01/02/2006 18:57:44 dbs:close:FolderDatabase2.db3
01/02/2006 18:57:44 dbs:close:TVDatabaseV21.db3

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