Hauppauge IR-blaster support? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 6, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
Is support for Hauppauge IR-blaster planned for TVE3?

Blaster functionality is crucial to me to have a well working HTPC solution. What I understand is that MS blaster can't be bought separately but comes with the whole kit, i.e. keybord and mouse. Is there any other (cheep) options?



Portal Member
March 16, 2007
Home Country
Hauppauge IR blaster support needed here too

I am also very keen to use my Hauppauge IR blaster with the TV Server.
I wish to control my STB using it.
Please let me know if this will be supported.
I am happy to help wherever I can. I am not a programmer, but I have the hardware to test with.

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