Hauppauge IR Receiver/MediaPortal responding to TV remote signals (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 18, 2008
Home Country
Norway Norway
First I have to say I was very impressed with the out of the box support for my Hauppauge remote in MediaPortal. I just ticked "enable" and ALL buttons worked as expected. Very nice!

My problem however is that the remote controls for both my TV and Stereo sends some IR codes that get picked up by MediaPortal. The volume up/down on the TV remote is for instance picked up by Hauppauge IR/MediaPortal and interpreted as arrow left/right. That means that MediaPortal will try to jump forward/back in the video I am currently watching when I adjust the volume on my TV. Very annoying.

The funny thing though is that using left/right button on the Hauppauge Remote doesn't change the volume on the TV.

Detailed Example:

Remote control -- TV (Philips)
Button pressed -- Volume up/down
TV event -- TV Volume up/down
PC/MediaPortal event -- left/right arrow

Remote control -- Hauppauge remote
Button pressed -- left/right arrow
TV event -- nothing
PC/MediaPortal event -- left/right arrow

In short: Both remotes sends left/right arrow to MP, but only TV remote controls volume on TV.

To me it seems like either
A) My TV remote is sending too many IR codes when adjusting volume
B) MediaPortal/Hauppauge IR is mapped to too many IR codes.

..but I am not sure, and do not know where to start looking or what to do. Has anyone experienced something similar?

Using MediaPortal V1.0 Final


Portal Member
February 6, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
There is a XML-file defining the Haupauge remotes. I don't have the path to it but it was not that difficult to find. Make a backup copy of the file. Then open the file and remove the section for the remotes you don't use. (I have a 45 button remote and deleted the 34 and 21 button sections.)

That cured the problem for me.


Portal Member
December 18, 2008
Home Country
Norway Norway
This also seems to have fixed an issue I had with the DVD plugin causing MP to crash when I either stopped a DVD or changed from DVD playback to home/video/tv/etc -screen. :D

oh no, there the dvd crashed again, guess it just decided to have a small break from the crashing.. anyway, that means that the dvd-crashing was probably not linked to the remote control.


Portal Member
July 30, 2008
I'm also having this problem, but sadly the workaround mentioned in post #2 doesn't work for me.

I presume the XML file is the one located in 'all users>app data>team mediaportal>input devices' or somethng like that.
I removed the references to the 34 and 21 button remotes.

Sadly i'm getting inteference from my Samnsung TV remote and my Cambridge audio A/V receviver !!!!
Is there anything else I can try ????

I must be able to mask or stop Mediaportal from detecting the other remotes, as they must be on different frequncies to my hauppage remote becuase the hauppage remote doesn't do anything to my TV or Av receiver when I use it.

Or is it something to do with the IR32 software that runs the hauppage remote?
I know the hauppage remote installs an Irremote.ini file into the windows directory, wonder if I could play around with that ????

Pleassssse help anyone :( its driving me insane, i can't turn up the volume on my av receiver without mediaportal thrwoing a hissyfit, or alter menu settings on my tv

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