HDMI Capture card (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
April 17, 2007
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Digitalnow have a component card DNTV Dual Hybrid (7164) PCIe, it says it has hardware encoders for its analogue inputs, I haven't tried it and don't know what upto what resolutions it captures at. DigitalNow
it may or may not help you :)


  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
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    Norway Norway
    I think you can forget about HDMI-capture cards, mainly because of HDCP. Best you can do is component capture, which is unofficialy supported by MP.

    Actually, I just bought one of these and it works very well for HD satellite recording(Direct TV). Does use a lot of resources though so something better than an AMD Athlon X2 6000+ is required for full 1080i capture(720p is atleast bareable). The biggest issue I have now is finding something other than AVerMedia Center for it to display on! Since it is not "technically" a tuner card, it is not recognized as a useable component my most media centers.

    On the plus side, there is a downloadable software for someone way smarter than me that may hold the answer... AVerMedia offers an SDK for these cards... DarkCrystal HD Capture SDK(C727)
    I recognize some of the contents within the SDK files, but not enough programming knowledge in this old head to make anything useful out of it anytime soon.:( Maybe someone else can take a whack at it.

    If there is a way to "stream" content from the card to MP and someone has the patience to help me figure it out... step by step... I'd be willing to try it and learn how in the process.


    The shortest distance between two points is a straight line... in the opposite direction.
    Interesting indeed....
    I know that the Hauppauge HDPVR (composite capture) is semi-supported by MP. Perhaps there some tips on the "how to" from that project, found here: https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/mediaportal-1-talk-45/initial-support-hauppuage-hd-pvr-45382/


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  • February 8, 2009
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    There is no problem with setting this card (Avermedia CaptureHD) up in MP as an analogue/digital hybrid tuner or using the composite or svhs inputs in MP - the problem is the component and hdmi inputs are not able to be accessed by MP. The reason is that the card sets up as 2 separate analogue capture devices and MP seems only able to access the first one. Some other software (eg virtualdub, microsoft media encoder, vlc) can be used to capture or stream from the component or HDMI inputs if you select the secondary capture device; although the component appears as composite and the HDMI appears as svhs source. Also it is a software encoding card and needs quite a reasonable amount of grunt to capture and encode.


    Portal Member
    November 28, 2010
    Wichita, Ks N. America, Earth, Sector 001
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    United States of America United States of America
    There is no problem with setting this card (Avermedia CaptureHD) up in MP as an analogue/digital hybrid tuner or using the composite or svhs inputs in MP - the problem is the component and hdmi inputs are not able to be accessed by MP. The reason is that the card sets up as 2 separate analogue capture devices and MP seems only able to access the first one. Some other software (eg virtualdub, microsoft media encoder, vlc) can be used to capture or stream from the component or HDMI inputs if you select the secondary capture device; although the component appears as composite and the HDMI appears as svhs source. Also it is a software encoding card and needs quite a reasonable amount of grunt to capture and encode.

    Thank you Motor! It is good to know that at least it can be done. I will do some more playing and reading about it. I'm not sure that the Microsoft Media Encoder is still available as it is replaced with "Expressions". I tried to play with the trial but was not able to stream "live" to anything that I know of. I'm much more of a hardware and skinner type of guy as opposed to software. I'll be upgrading my CPU in about a week from the dual core to the quad... should be enough "grunt".

    I would have been happy using the Avermedia center if they had the vision to allow full skinning of their MC... shame such a great product has to suffer such short comings.:(

    If you're up for it, I'll tap your knowledge a little later as I try to figure this out.:D


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 23, 2004
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    hmm i was looking at the Dark Crystal USB station..but it doesnt accept HDMI, just outputs it..lol...

    hmmm...so theres no hardware encoding HDMI recorders out atm...i guess it would be great one day if i had a set top box with paytv or something


    Portal Member
    November 28, 2010
    Wichita, Ks N. America, Earth, Sector 001
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    United States of America United States of America
    OK... so I finally got MP to atleast recognize my old Hauppage 1600 with the WinTV7 and drivers and was able to configure MP to use it proficiently. I was beginning to wonder if I was doing even the basics correctly in trying to establish a connection between the HD capture card and MP so I started at a more basic level. I don't intend to use the 1600 as it doesn't do HD from the satellite, but atleast I achieved something of a win after many attempts! LOL

    I read through about 40 pages of the link given for the Hauppage HD-PVR but I'm not quite sure I understand the how and why in what they were trying/doing. It looks like MP can't communicate with the PVR directly so another software(Microsoft Media Encoder) is "translating" for MP so MP understands? Or is it the other software establishing the connection for MP to communicate? Perhaps if I had a better understanding how this is supposed to work, I could improve my results. ;)

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