Ongoing HELP! - IR Server + 2 STBs (1 Viewer)


New Member
March 16, 2009
Has anyone gotten this setup to work? I have 2 blasters (each connected to a different STB with different IR Commands) and I want to be able to blast to both with the correct IR Command using IR Server. I have tried everything, but haven't gotten this to work. I tried to learn different IR Commands on both Ports (Ports 1 and 2), but it only seemed to place 1 IR Command in both ports (not different ones). It always blasts to 1 STB correctly, but never the other. It will essentially blast the same command through both ports. Both ports do work fine, I have verified that.

Also, I tried renaming my commands to 1C.IR, 1F.IR, 2C.IR, 2F.IR in IR Server Translator, but the IRBlast.exe app always calls 0.IR, 1.IR, etc, so it won't recognize those .IR Command files when trying to change a channel through IRBlast. Anyone know how to modify the IRBlast.exe file so I can accomodate .IR commands with unique names?

I tried modifying the .IR command file to include blasts to both ports, but quickly got confused and lost. I would GREATLY appreciate anyone that can help me with this issue. I have been banging my head against my HTPC for a month trying to resolve this issue.

I've even considered running 2 different instances of IR Server Translator, but wouldn't even know how to get started on that. I figured that if I create 2 instances with 2 seperate folders, they would hold different .IR command files and I'd simply point to that new IRblast file.

I know I've mentioned quite a few things in this post, but essentially, I want to be able to blast to both STBs using different IR command codes. That's essentially it.

Can someone help me out?

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