Help: Logitech Harmony and iMON cursor (1 Viewer)


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  • January 23, 2007
    I successfully configured iMON remote with mediaportal. Now, my next step, is to create and Activity under my Logitech Harmony 525 to control TV, Amplifier and HTPC with a single remote. I successed to configure Harmony to control most of the iMON remote funtion but the cursor. What happen is a really delayed cursor movement that makes the navigation hard to manage. I set up the Harmony to "learn" the IR signal from the iMON remote configuring as delay time (in the Harmony) as follow

    Inter-key Delay: 0 ms
    Input Delay: 100 ms
    Inter-Device Delay: 100 ms

    but it doesn't work :(

    Anyone experieced the same problem and found a solution?

    Thank you


    Portal Pro
    October 25, 2005
    When you say cursor you refere to mouse pointer? If that is right why you should use it that way? I have IMON and Harmony 525, but I run IMON driver in keys mode, not mouse mode. So press on arrow key on Harmony acts like pressing arrow key on keyboard... and everything works just fine...


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  • January 23, 2007
    Hi Jdivic,
    you are right. I'm using the 525 in keyboard mode too and it works that way. I was wondering why it doesn't work in mouse mode in a fluent way. It sounds to be a "delay" problem not correctly managed from Harmony. Having a look to the Logitech and iMON Forum, it seems to be a problem without solution. iMON Engineer justify this malfunction due to a proprietary (and complex) protocol realized to manage the mouse pointer :mad:

    I think there will be no "solution" to this issue



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  • April 5, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    Hi dnasini,

    I tried to learn my Harmony 525 the imon pad codes but it didn't work for most of the keys. Can you give me a short HowTo ?

    Thanks for your help!



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  • January 23, 2007
    Hi Frankteb,
    there is not a "short way" to configure the Harmony as aniMON pad. I did this way

    - open the Harmony software (locally or through web)
    - define a new device as HTPC
    - select the name of the device (soundgraph imon or the chassis model - I selected the second but it doesn't matter)
    - now you have mostly the main botton
    - select "learn infrared" and manually instruct the Harmony for all botton you need

    have a look to this 3d for further info on the configuration delay and bestpractis for the infrared learning



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  • April 5, 2005
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    Germany Germany
    Thanks dnasini !

    But I've found this article before. And with my Harmony 525 doesn't it work. I could learn only the Volume up/down and channle up/down keys. The other keys can't I "teach" my Harmony cause they didn't receive a signal from them.

    Any other suggestions ! Thanks for your help anyway!



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  • January 23, 2007
    mmm it sounds strange :eek:

    keep in mind you "cannot" learn through infrared any button at the first touch. When the Harmony ask you to push a particular botton, push is "as fast as possible", the program returns an error (erron in sending data or stuff like that), wait for the error goes away and press again the button on the original remote. At the second time it works. Do this for any botton you like and remember that some botton must be inserted manually (i.e. Esc and Exit)

    This way worked for me :)

    If you face problems again, post a description of the operation you performed and that fail, I'll try to help you if i can

    good luck


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  • April 5, 2005
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    after hundreds of tries it works. Here is my workaround.

    1. Reset the Harmony
    - Remove batteries
    - Press POWER
    - connect USB-Cable
    - realese the POWER-Button
    ===> the Display shows "Safe Mode!"

    2. Install Firmware and configuration
    - If you use Harmony Remote Software 7 you can find it on the top under
    - Somtimes a message apears something like "You have already the newest
    firmware" ignore and install it
    - install configuration

    3. If the installation of the firmware don't work cause of the "Safe Mode!" Message:
    - take out the batteries
    - disconnect the usb
    - hold the '2' button down while you connect the usb cable
    - continue holding the '2' button until your configuration boots up
    - now you can install the firmware

    4. learn the codes as discribed above by dnasini.

    Thanks for your help dnasini.

    greetings frankteb

    P.S.:confused:orry about my english, hope you understand it.

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