Help me pick a case (OriginAE?) (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
September 13, 2008
Finally ready to pull the trigger on this but have a few questions.

Does anyone have a the S14v case from OriginAE? I'm concerned about the noise from the twin 60mm fans. Are these noisy?

Could I get away with not using these fans? I was hoping I could just use the mini-ninja CPU fan to blow towards the back of the case. Workable?

I already have an Nvidia 8600GTS with a Zalman cooler on it so thats one fan.

E8600 CPU with the Scythe Mini Ninja

I am also 99% sure I'm buying the Nexus Value 430 PSU

Comments and suggestions? :D


Portal Member
May 9, 2008
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United States of America United States of America
I have a S10V case which uses 4 of the 60mm fans. The fans are virtually silent even at full RPM. You might be able to get away with not using the 60mm exhaust fans but I don't think you are going to run into a noise issue using them.


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  • March 21, 2009
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    I've got an S14V and the fans are near silent. In total there are 5 fans running: 2 Origenae exhaust fans, Origenae HDD fan, the power supply fan, the CPU fan on a Ninja Mini, and frankly my blu-ray drive is louder than any of them.

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