help needed with changing colours on buddies (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
May 13, 2005
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
I'm ussing elow's gold theme and backgrounds to change bluetwo in a more stylish red and gold skin.
Because all the new pluggins comming out lately, my customized bluetwo skin is missing a few buddies.

So my question is how can I change the new blue items in to a gold setting matching elow's graphics?

I'm a noob when it comes to graphics programms so any help is welcome.
A sort of a tutorial woot be handy.


Portal Pro
December 7, 2004
United Kingdom
Tsk tsk impatient!

I played with Google's Picasa today, that has some nice and simple effects including various styles of tinting that may be useful otherwise grab Paint.Net, the office copy of Photoshop or PSP and do some googling, there are many sites out there showing how to colorize a photo (mostly guys changing the color of their cars).

In Photoshop you use the Hue/Saturation dialog box to achieve the desired effect.


Portal Member
September 2, 2005
I did a quick and dirty try...

And Smirnuff is right:
- Open the blue "hover_webbrowser.png"
- Add Hue/Saturation, mark Colorize and change Hue to about 48 and Sturation to 60.
- Fine tune Levels and/or Brightness/Contrast
- Save...

(above in Photoshop Elements, any png compatible graficeditor should do - just the commands may have other names)

Good luck :)

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