help on TechnoTrend DVB-C BDA Tuner issue !!! (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
November 23, 2004
Area: Hardware DVB-C card Technotrend
MP Version: 0.2 RC4
Skin: all
Windows Version: XP Home SP2
CPU Type: Athlon 3400
Memory: 1Gb
Motherboard Chipset: VIA !!
Video Card: Nvidia FX5200
Video Card Driver: NOG optimized driver (latest)
Video Card Resolution: 1236x648 (overscan compensation for HDMI)
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: all
Audio Codec Type & Version: all
TV Card: Technotrend C-1500 Budget
TV Card Type: DVB
TV Card Driver: TT BDA-Driver_paket

I have problems installing a Techntrend Budget C-1500 DVB-C Tuner card.

I took the BDA drivers from TT website (dated January 2006, I think). I could install the hardware in XP Home SP2 and in shows up as two devices.
The capture device and the tuner device.. It works for a while, but

on reboot/restart in comes up with "Could not start hardware. Error code 10" under devicemanager and shows a yello exclamation mark.!!

What is wrong here? I reinstalled several times, but to no success..


Portal Pro
November 23, 2004
Just to let everybody know:

I fixed the problem with a new driver which is not yet on the TT homepage!

Technical support sent it to me. Its working like a charm now!!!

I am living in Germany.
I do have Kabel Deutschland and Premiere, which are basic encrypted. I think Nagarvision.

So I have a Technotredn DVB-C 1500 card with a CI and a alphacrypt light CAM and a official smartcard..

This setup nows runs smooth and nice.. I can watch and record all encrypted channels!

(Only the slow zapping form channel to channel annoys me a little..)

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