Help with Pinnacle 800i HDTV card (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 4, 2012
I have a Pinnacle 800i card that cannot find any ATSC channels when I do a scan in Media Portal 1.2.3.
When I scan in the Supplied software that came with the card I am able to tune in the ATSC channels.

The card was working in MP previously. I've setup a new PC to serve as a MP backend with 2 Frontends running MP.

The PC is running Windows XP MCE fully updated. I have tried the card drivers that came with the card (on the DVD) and the one offered by the MS Update.

Does anyone have any ideas why the card is not tuning in MP?


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    First, make sure you close the supplied software before attempting to use the tuner in MP.
    Second, if you use the tuner in MP, then in the supplied software, then in MP again... you'll need to restart the MP TV Server.
    1. Open TV Server configuration.
    2. Go to the "manual control" section.
    3. Click "stop service"... then "start service".

    Third, make sure you're scanning with the ATSC tuner (not the analog one).

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