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Update: I've moved all attachments to first post

Thanks for the warm welcome and a "excuse me" towards chrisvilla.


 it's no much effort to create such a set of icons, the hard and longer part is to give all the right name. ;) Perhaps you can need one of the attached below.

I'll update the "clockwise" mod when my HTPC is working again. I got the hardware to fix my Seagte HDD today (I hope I get this $%§@ HDD controller out of his busy state with it) and hopefully a new 2,5" Scorpio Blue tomorrow. =) So give me some days if you need more.

Planed adds/changes "clockwise" mod:

- Scale Pictures to the correct size (from 580x580 down to 462x462)

  currently the small pictures are scaled per xml with 1:2,5 and the zoomed with 4:5

- Move Plugins and Settings to small icons in the black line

- Set the focused Icon always on top



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