Hide Drvies? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 25, 2007
Is there any way to hide my cd-rom drive and other removable media from a certain section (i.e. My Videos). I know I can default a folder, however in the MP settings if I remove the D:\ drive from the list of folders... it just reappears.

I don't want the cd-rom drive to show up in any view... especially when there is no CD\DVD in the drive.

Any thoughts?


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  • June 23, 2006
    Gold Coast
    Home Country
    If you use M$'s Powertoys add-on you can hide drives so you should be able to use it to hide the CDRom drive.
    However, if you do that, it won't show in Explorer or anywhere else. That means you won't be able to use it ever (until you re-enable it) and that means you may as well physically remove it from the PC..

    Sorry I can't be of much more help.


    Portal Pro
    December 9, 2006
    Home Country
    I tried it and yes, they do keep coming back, although it was possibly deliberately designed that way I don't think it should do that. I think you should head down the feature request or bug report path.

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