Hope you guys can help: hone network (1 Viewer)



I have my main PC coonnected to a router that is in turn connected to Cable Model. I want to connect my HTPC as well. This is easy for internet connection as I can just one of the free port on the router and that's it.

The thing I want to know is how can I access the files that are stored in my main PC from my HTPC? Do I need extra hardward? I am not interested?



Portal Pro
August 25, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Well if both computers are connected together via a network (both connected to the router), then all you have to do is share you files on one computer, and they will be accessible on the other computer.

To share files on XP, right-click on a folder and goto Sharing & Security, then tick the box and type in a name for the folder on the network. You will also need the computer name so you can access it from the other computer. To get the computer name, goto Control panel, system, computer name tab. It will be displayed there.

The other way of sharing folders and files is to use the Network Setup Wizard in XP, which you can open by going to start-all programs-accessories-communications-network setup wizard.

Now on your other computer, open up my computer, and in the address box, type \\<computer name> and press enter, replacing <computer name> with the computer name of the other computer.

The shared folder should now be displayed.




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  • April 22, 2004
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    the easiest way is to Map a Network Drive to the folder you wanna share.

    I have my complete data drive shared as "Data" like the above manual said.

    Then on your HTPC you can select the shared folder using windows network and then select "Map Network Drive".
    I gave it the letter "D:".
    Now my HTPC has a D: drive which holds the data of the shared folder.
    You can use the D: drive as any other normal drive.

    But, depending on your network speed it can be slow.
    Wireless is not recommended (10mbit) for movies etc.
    Though it will work.


    IT WORKED!!!

    You guys are the best...

    I have been asking the Tech poeple in the office for a couple of days now and they all gave me about a dozen solutions, all of them involving buying additional hardware....switches, KVM (*!@!), USB dongles, you name it..

    Thanks guys!

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