How do i get HD 16:9 and TVGUIDE working (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 29, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Is MP designed for US TV? Where did the 14:9 aspect come from, every thing here is 4:3 or 16:9? How do I get 16:9 with MP? Also I have just installed it and I don't understand the EPG at all. What is meant by "grabbing" the guide, where do you do this and I get a message saying "TVGUIDE import failed. Unable to open tvguide.xml".

Where do I go to get what I need as well as direction on the guide for US TV?



Portal Member
March 29, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
Thanks Gadgetman, that was very helpful.

I don't see many (any) here from the US. If someone knows why I only see the Eastern and Central time zones (no Pacifiic where I am) represented by web sites to D/L the guideplease clue me in? Am I doing something wrong to cause only two times zones to show. Is there something in a setup somewhere I missed making it think I am on the east coast of the US?



Portal Member
March 29, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
NEVER MIND, just found it!

Where do I find the Zap2it Certificate Codes for MP? I have searched here and found nothing and they do not list MP on their site?



Portal Member
March 29, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
OK, I got the guide information to up date (from the config. window) but the guide information it appears is not in the correct place. when I right click in the guide window within MP and select up date the TV guide it says it can't find the XMLTV file. Where should the file be? also will I manually have to do this each time?

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