HOW do I map keyboard keys to my remote?? (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
November 27, 2007
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England England
My query relates to this post about SL6399 remotes. I've posted to that thread but had no response for 4 days hence this post. I need to know exactly how to map keys. I need to be shown step by step.

This quote is from the aforementioned post which outlines how to setup the remote.
I did itttttttt! :)

Step 4
Go to the MP Configuration->General->Keys and Sounds. (I don't know if you can back up the settings, but do so if necessary)
Remove all the Windows and Global Actions.

Step 6
Quote Readme:
Button Definitions and mappings

Using the Configuration screens of the plugin (accessed through the MediaPortal Setup program), one can modify both the button definitions and the button to action mappings. Usually you should start with adding button definitions (unless you already have a keyboard.xml file with existing button definitions available, for example for your HID remote) and afterwards perform the button to action mapping. The button to action mapping process is the same as for the regular MediaPortal remote button mapping process, so is not described in further detail here.


I'm stuck. I dont have a Keys and Sounds section. Is that my version of MP? (How do I find this info?)

Button definitions....

WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? (Im trying to get the green home button my my SL6399 remote to function - for example).

1. Currently, I go to MP config,

2. Find the KeyboardInputPlugin and open the config menu.

3. click on Add Remove Buttons

4. I give the button a name 'Home1' and then press a button on my keyboard eg 'b' which is button code 66.

5. click add and then the save and close button.

6. Then I click on the mapping button

7. All the Asus Remote buttons (most of which my SL remote has) are listed.

8. I go to the entry called home (I havent created this its here already) and all the commands seem right. ( I havent changed anything) - There's no sign of my home1 button I have created anywhere so god knows what the point of creating that was!?

9. So I click 'home' and 'all layers' and 'no conditions'. Window"Home" is selected already. (which i assume means that if i press the home button on any screen in MP it will take me to the home screen?)

10. I close the config menu saving as I go, not that Ive actually edited or changed anything in the mapping section.

11. I load MP. Nothing has changed. I imagine this is because I havent changed anything!


13. How does creating a new button tie in with the mapping? How do i assign that new button (the home button on my remote) to the list in KeyboardInputPlugin.

14. Its absolutely maddening!!!!! Im going to kill some one!!!!!

Sorry but after hours of reading forums and trying to do this I am at my wits end.

By all means treat me like a complete idiot when explaining. I think I need it.

Pleeeease help!


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February 20, 2007
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Heres where to find the Keys and sounds panel


Since you cannot find the first part of what was required maybe thats why the rest is not working i.e. not removed all the Windows and Global Actions.

If the keys and sounds are missing try switching this toggle to say exactly what it says on the image.


OK now once you done all that and deleted Windows and Global Actions etc mapped buttons etc

Go here C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings

You should see a folder called "Custom" and in here should a file called "Keyboard.xml".
Copy and paste this file into ..wait for it wait for it...

C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\InputDeviceMappings\defaults

Your remote mappings should now appear, well it worked for me.

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Don't forget to switch to advanced mode, top right of config window.

    Otherwise you will not see all the options.

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