How do I stream recorded TV shows on a Xbox 360? (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
September 15, 2006
First off, i wasnt sure where to put this post so if it is in the wrong area

I am able to stream my Music, Pictures, and Non- TV show videos - but i am not able to stream my recorded TV shows. I am using WMP 11 and it pretty much does everything automaticly, however when i go to the xbox i am unable to stream the recorded TV shows.

I think the xbox wants to use Windows Media Center to record watch my recorded tv shows.

I dont really know what to do here and any ideas would be great.


Portal Pro
May 22, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
you only have two options.. TS or MPEG.

i don't think xbox supports either (althought it may do MPEG).

if you are using tvengine2 then you are limited to only TS.
if you are using tvengine3 then you can choose between TS and MPEG.

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