How does MP populate folder.jpg (1 Viewer)


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  • January 27, 2005
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Just been browsing some music files in MP via the shares view. All files have album art embedded withing the tags but there is not always a folder.jpg file.

    When I open a file with embedded album art MP seems to create a folder.jpg file whoever this is not quite the same as the original...
    For example I just opened up Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures albums which is all encoded in FLAC with album art of 455x455 (35.6 Kb). I know there was no folder.jpg before I played the files in MP but now I have a 500x500 (19.8Kb) folder.jpg which does not looks quite as sharp as the embedded picture.

    Has MP sourced this file from somewhere or has it taken the embedded pic and resized (and compressed) it ??

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