how to change navigation in mp? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 12, 2007
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland

My remote has a scroll-wheel. This wheel could make navigation in MP pretty simple and fast. Only drawback is, that there is just one wheel. So I can use it either to scroll horizontally or vertically but not both. MP, however needs both directions.

Is there a way to change the navigation behavior in MP.
Could these be solved with a skin?

What other option is there?



Portal Member
March 12, 2007
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
Probably the simplest way would be to make a specific input-device mapping.

Unfortunately I did only find very basic documentation about input-device mapping.

Can someone help and explain to me how this works in details?
- what is the difference between the layers?
- not all the possible actions are clear to me
- a detailed overview of the different windows would be great
- a window to number mapping as well as action to number mapping would be great

I have experimented a bit. Unfortunately I could not figure out much. For example I tried to assign horizontal scrolling to the remote scroll-wheel in window "topbar".
--> all layers: condition: window = topbar, actoin= move left/right

This did not work at all. So either it has something to do with layers or I do not yet understand how input-device mapping is working.

Any help is appreciated!

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