How to configure Beamer and CRT (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 30, 2006
Hi all,

need a little help:
I've bought a M2NPV-VM cause of the articles in CT.. are very well.

But in configuring the grafic card I've big porblems.

Here my oppinion:
I have a HTPC connectet to composite Video, and an beamer connectet by HDMI-cable.
I want to see a cloned picture.

First of all:
It is horible to find out the best resolutuon on the HDTV.
What ist the best way?

The desctop-colors had been mutch too bright, so i checket it with a color-correktion the NVIDEA-Driver.

But now:
The Video on the HDMI-canel is now to dark!!!!
Is there a User-Guide to get a good result?

Thanks a lot.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english

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