How to create a subpage for basic home? (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
November 30, 2004
Hi there,

I woult like to have the following structure in my skin:

Basic Home:

-> TV, DVD & Video
-----> TV
-----> DVD
-----> Video
-> Music
----> Music
----> Radio
----> Last FM

How do I now create a non existing second sub home as overview for TV, DVD, Video who referes to the different aplications?

I tried to create a new id for this new xml files and refer to this id in basic home, but this doesn't work.


Portal Designer
  • Premium Supporter
  • January 27, 2006
    Dresden, Germany
    what you would need to do is to write a GUI plugin (one for each sub-screen) that would basicly do nothing than rendering a screen. the important thing is that it needs to have it's own unique window id...

    we already have such a plugin, so if you have some basic coding skills you could easily change / copy that one (change the window id to a new one), recompile and put the dll into the plugins/window folder...


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 21, 2004
    Another alternative is to use just the basichome and the visible tag to show/hide your subchoices in a parent-child format (kind of like the start menu in windows)

    For example, have three buttons representing your main categories across the top, video, music and pictures. When one of the main buttons is highlighted, below will appear your sub choices. move to the right from video, your video choices disappear and your music subchoices choices appear. Move to the right again, your Pictures sub choices appear. With some imagination and combining different skin features you could lay it out in a lot of different ways. I know i didn't explain this too well, i could probably code a working example that explains it better. But this way you would have no plugin to mess with, and all your choices would be in one screen, so you would cut down on steps to get from one module to another.


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
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    Australia Australia
    For example, have three buttons representing your main categories across the top, video, music and pictures. When one of the main buttons is highlighted, below will appear your sub choices. move to the right from video, your video choices disappear and your music subchoices choices appear. Move to the right again, your Pictures sub choices appear.

    This sounds like a good idea - could you post some sample xml code that we could use to build upon ... :)


    Portal Pro
    October 16, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden

    Look into my newly posted skin Core. I use submenus for basichome, not with your structure but you can look at the code and see what I have done...



    Retired Team Member
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  • May 21, 2004
    Sorry should have been more clear in that last post...i meant i would create the code and post to this thread later. Anyway, the attached file is an example of what i was trying to explain earlier. I'm sure other people have done something similar; when some of the new skinning features were added from xbmc a lot of other people came up with some pretty interesting things...and this was one of them.

    Keep in mind what is below is very, movement, effects, etc. (EDIT...just took a look at djohansson's skin... a really good example of what you can do with similar code that looks a lot nicer...). I just did something quick to give you an idea what i was talking about.

    This file works with regular blue two, mp version 2.2.0.


    Portal Pro
    November 30, 2004
    hm, that's not a solution.

    Is there any otherway and not with Control.hasFocus()?!?

    Control.isActive(), Control.IsClicked() or something. How do I find a list with possible control commands?

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