How to disable jumping select bar? (1 Viewer)


New Member
August 6, 2006
I just came back to try out MP again after giving it 11 months more to age.

It's very nice, but I can't stand the jumping select bar on the homescreen. If the graphics was smooth I might be able to live with it, but like it is, it's very very annoying. It's like it goes a bit too far and pops back up?

Please tell me how to disable the "jumping" bar and just make it move regular.

The TV Server looks amazing, but the graphics on the frontend leaves MUCH to be desired still.. looks very out of wack on my 1920x1200 screen. I really hope some effort will be put into the graphics side of the frondend soon because it's proberly the only feature that is lagging alot as i see it. Get a smooth frontend and MediaPortal will own everything.

Happy coding guys.


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  • January 4, 2007
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    Hi dvdmonster,

    If you don't like the "jumping" of the selection bar you can fix it instead.
    In this situation the menu items scroll behind the fixed selection bar.
    You can set this mode in configuration.exe->Plugins, right click the home plugin and select 'Configuration', tick 'Fix Scroll Bar' in the pop-up window.


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