how to downgrade to 1.0.1 from 1.0.2 (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 2, 2009
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India India
I have been using mediaportal 1.0.1 for a while. few problems but fixed them all and was working great. I did the 1.0.2 upgrade and now I have encountered few problems.

1. when i watch a divx video, when i forward it it stops forwarding after a while and I have to click play and then FWD again.

2. when scanning through my files through the left/right/up/down buttons it is very slow and sometime hangs.

I would like to go back to 1.0.1 again. is there a way to simply downgrade or should i do a fresh install?

I have the mediaportal 1.0.1 installer file but didn't want to start from scratch again. invested too much time before with the add on plugins to work with 1.0.1 and don't want to do all over again.

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