private void SaveMAC(string uncPath)
String macAddress;
byte[] hwAddress;
WakeOnLanManager wakeOnLanManager = new WakeOnLanManager();
IPAddress ipAddress = null;
string hostName = Util.Utils.GetServerNameFromUNCPath(uncPath);
using (Profile.Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings())
macAddress = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("macAddress", hostName, null);
if (wakeOnLanManager.Ping(hostName, 100) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(macAddress))
Log.Debug("WakeUpServer: The {0} server already started and mac address is learnt!", hostName);
// Check if we already have a valid IP address stored,
// otherwise try to resolve the IP address
if (!IPAddress.TryParse(hostName, out ipAddress))
// Get IP address of the server
IPAddress[] ips;
ips = Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostName);
Log.Debug("WakeUpServer: WOL - GetHostAddresses({0}) returns:", hostName);
foreach (IPAddress ip in ips)
Log.Debug(" {0}", ip);
ipAddress = ip;
// Check for valid IP address
if (ipAddress != null)
// Update the MAC address if possible
hwAddress = wakeOnLanManager.GetHardwareAddress(ipAddress);
if (wakeOnLanManager.IsValidEthernetAddress(hwAddress))
Log.Debug("WakeUpServer: WOL - Valid auto MAC address: {0:x}:{1:x}:{2:x}:{3:x}:{4:x}:{5:x}"
, hwAddress[0], hwAddress[1], hwAddress[2], hwAddress[3], hwAddress[4], hwAddress[5]);
// Store MAC address
macAddress = BitConverter.ToString(hwAddress).Replace("-", ":");
Log.Debug("WakeUpServer: WOL - Store MAC address: {0}", macAddress);
using (MediaPortal.Profile.Settings xmlwriter = new MediaPortal.Profile.MPSettings())
xmlwriter.SetValue("macAddress", hostName, macAddress);
Log.Debug("WakeUpServer: WOL - Not a valid IPv4 address: {0}", ipAddress);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error("WakeUpServer: WOL - Failed GetHostAddress - {0}", ex.Message);
serverName = Util.Utils.GetServerNameFromUNCPath(uncPath);
WakeupUtils.HandleWakeUpServer(serverName, wolTimeout);
None whatsoever - you are the main man and how could I deny a wounded soldierI suggest we move the whole section to or even's_Guide
any objections?