How to get rid of cracks and pops in music playback? (1 Viewer)


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  • December 24, 2007
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    Finland Finland
    TV-Server Version: MP1rc3
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    CPU Type: AMD X2 6000+
    HDD: Samsung SATA 500 GB + Seagate SATA 1 TB
    Memory: 2 GB DDR2
    Motherboard: Asus M2N-VM DH
    Video Card: ASUS EAH2400
    Video Card Driver: 8.8
    Sound Card: SoundMAX integrated
    Sound Card AC3: coaxial out
    Sound Card Driver:
    1. TV Card: Cinergy 1200 DVB-C
    1. TV Card Type: DVB-C
    1. TV Card Driver:
    2. TV Card: Cinergy 1200 DVB-C
    2. TV Card Type: DVB-C
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    h.264 Video Codec: CoreAVC
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    Cooling: Scythe Mini Ninja
    Power Supply: Antec 430W
    Remote: MCE Remote
    TV: CRT + Panasonic PT-AX200 projector
    TV - HTPC Connection: Sub-D + DVI

    I have converted my whole CD collection to FLAC, but when I play back the files using MP I hear often - once every few seconds - cracks. FLAC files were extracted using EAC and they should be flawless.

    What could be the cause for this?
    I've installed ASIO4ALL and tried to enable ASIO, but didn't hear any difference.

    FYI, my AV receiver is connected to mobo integrated Soundmax card using coax cable.


    Portal Pro
    March 12, 2006
    I have same issue but under Vista premium. My all files are in APE Monkey format.
    When i was under XP no problem.
    I had one clue, to disable ReadyBoost service in Vista, it improves but some cracks still remain.


    MP Donator
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  • December 24, 2007
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    Finland Finland
    It's very hard to say whether playback is "perfect", but at least with VLC player I hear significantly less cracks than with BASS player. I could not download the test files (both sites were down), but with movies AC3 is working fine with my AV receiver, and if there are cracks they are much more subtle and don't distract me.

    With BASS there are especially loud cracks during the first few seconds of the playback.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 14, 2006
    Kgs. Lyngby
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    Denmark Denmark
    Some systems have trouble coping with varying CPU load (other players may have more even cpu load, thereby hiding the problem better). For testing, try to set a CPU intensive activity to run in the background at idle priority (Mersenne Prime torture test is good for this). If you get flawless playback doing this, then its probably a nasty interaction between poor sound card and crappy PSU.


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  • December 24, 2007
    Home Country
    Finland Finland
    That's an interesting point, however I think I found the issue. I wrote in the first message that I had tested with ASIO4ALL, and without it. Well, that at least what I thought.

    In addition to the cracks, I strated to wonder, why the sound quality was bad. It sounded like a C-cassette with Dolby NR: the sound was heavily compressed. This was easily observed with older recordings where the level of hissing changed relatively to the volume of other sound.

    I disabled ASIO4ALL from MP's settings (Music -> BASS player), result was that the sound was maybe 10 dB quieter, no compression, and based on a quick listening test (will listen more later) the cracks were gone.

    Sorry for giving wrong information, I was convinced that I had tested also without ASIO4ALL. I still wonder how it damaged the sound so badly.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    Sorry for giving wrong information, I was convinced that I had tested also without ASIO4ALL. I still wonder how it damaged the sound so badly.

    It could be the audio drivers that aren't working nicely with ASIO.

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