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AW: How to install Mediaportal on Windows 2008 R2 (x64 only)

Thanks for fixing my problem! now all Cards are shown up in Mediaportal.

Can u tell me how u did it?

Maybe there other people out there with the same TV-Cards / problem so they can fix it on their own.

Im so happy right now :D

I only woke up at 4 o clock in the morning to thank you because im so exited! :D

(only problem left: scanning channels wont work.

I will inform you if got it work)

Update: The first successes have become apparent.

I tested with the programm progDVB and only enabled one tuner and checked "Not start more than one Device at once"

Then i got a signal from the listed channels and EPG works too .He tells that i have to change the codecs settings but the programm allways crashes when i change them but that doesnt matter cause i wont use it anyway ^^

Update2: Now i manually added 1 channel to mediaportal

installed K-lite codec pack and rebooted

-> client: can select channel and epg working but no video (video is black)

Update 3: Channel scan works now by adding new astra satellite xmls

Tutorial only copy this files in the folder (german Channels only):

So now my problem is that i cant watch the channels: they are black and no sound on server and client ()

I installed SAF v6 (codec) and Directx9-10-11 (i removed k-lite codes before))

And i can watch in WMP divx videos on the server and client

All channel are working fine with DVBViewer when i stop the tv service so dvbviewer can get access to the 1tuner

But in Mediaportal channel preview and watching channels doesn't work.

Testing channels in mediaportal works great. And Teletext(videotext) works also.

Do you have an idea why it's working in DVBViewer but not in Mediaportal?

Thx for your help again :D

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