Hello, I am writing a plugin and want to show a video in the middle of the screen.
The problem I have is, that there is no picture, only sound.
Perhaps someone could help me.
I put my code in the plugin template, so its easy to read.
To start the player you have to push buttonOne.
and the screenfile
The plugin is working, except I have no videopicture, the videowindow stays black, I only hear sound.
I tried to play the file with the video module, no problem.
There is a picture and sound.
Perhaps I miss something to initialise or something else, but I dont know what.
The problem I have is, that there is no picture, only sound.
Perhaps someone could help me.
I put my code in the plugin template, so its easy to read.
To start the player you have to push buttonOne.
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using MediaPortal.GUI.Library;
using MediaPortal.Player;
using MediaPortal.Dialogs;
namespace OurPlugin
public class Class1 : GUIWindow, ISetupForm
protected GUIButtonControl buttonOne = null;
protected GUIButtonControl buttonTwo = null;
protected GUIVideoControl contr = null;
public Class1()
#region ISetupForm Members
// Returns the name of the plugin which is shown in the plugin menu
public string PluginName()
return "MyFirstPlugin";
// Returns the description of the plugin is shown in the plugin menu
public string Description()
return "My First plugin tutorial";
// Returns the author of the plugin which is shown in the plugin menu
public string Author()
return "kaybe";
// show the setup dialog
public void ShowPlugin()
MessageBox.Show("Nothing to configure, this is just an example");
// Indicates whether plugin can be enabled/disabled
public bool CanEnable()
return true;
// get ID of windowplugin belonging to this setup
public int GetWindowId()
return 5678;
// Indicates if plugin is enabled by default;
public bool DefaultEnabled()
return true;
// indicates if a plugin has its own setup screen
public bool HasSetup()
return true;
public bool GetHome(out string strButtonText, out string strButtonImage, out string strButtonImageFocus, out string strPictureImage)
strButtonText = PluginName();
strButtonImage = String.Empty;
strButtonImageFocus = String.Empty;
strPictureImage = String.Empty;
return true;
public override int GetID
return 5678;
public override bool Init()
return Load(GUIGraphicsContext.Skin + @"\VorlageScreen.xml");
protected override void OnClicked(int controlId, GUIControl control, MediaPortal.GUI.Library.Action.ActionType actionType)
if (control == buttonOne)
if (control == buttonTwo)
base.OnClicked(controlId, control, actionType);
private void OnButtonOne()
if (contr != null)
GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(contr.XPosition, contr.YPosition, contr.Width, contr.Height);
private void OnButtonTwo()
GUIDialogOK dlg = (GUIDialogOK)GUIWindowManager.GetWindow((int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_DIALOG_OK);
dlg.SetHeading("Button has been pressed");
dlg.SetLine(1, "You pressed button 2");
dlg.SetLine(2, String.Empty);
dlg.SetLine(3, String.Empty);
and the screenfile
<description>an Image</description>
<texture>hover_my videos.png</texture>
<description>text label</description>
<label>Some text</label>
<description>Try Me</description>
<label>Try Me</label>
<description>Or Me</description>
<label>Or Me</label>
<description>video window</description>
The plugin is working, except I have no videopicture, the videowindow stays black, I only hear sound.
I tried to play the file with the video module, no problem.
There is a picture and sound.
Perhaps I miss something to initialise or something else, but I dont know what.