How to run Comskip automatically ? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 9, 2006
Is it possible to have Comskip set up so that it automatically runs after a new recording is done and after that delete the original file ? Even better if it can be done on the fly...
If so, could anyone that have the skill please write a instruction how to do it so that a newbie such as myself can do it ?

I use AutoDVRconvert to convert dvr-ms to mpg on the fly and "output" the converted file to another folder and after that delete the original dvr-ms file.

I start Comskip manually now thru My Programs and it works great !

Thanks in advance


Portal Member
January 9, 2006
Solved it with AutoDVRconvert + Dirmon2 + Comskip + Comclean.
Nice to have everything automized and have "cleaned" commercial free TV-recordings ready to watch !


Portal Member
January 9, 2006
Yes, I have tried it and everything worked great, thanks to the guide... Good job, easy to follow.
However I didn´t like the loss in quality.
Maybe there is a way to tweak the transcoding to xvid ?
As it was default the output xvid file was really small about 1/9 as it says in the guide. Maybe too much compresed ?

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