How to use second screen by default? (1 Viewer)


New Member
April 4, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
I want media portal to start in Full scren Mode on my Secondary screen by default. On windows Media center I can just drag it to the screen and maximize it there and it stays there. But Media Portal switches back to the primary screen if I go to fullscreen.
I think there should be a solution as I can remember using it on the second screen a long time ago, but I can't find the option anymore.
So how can I tell Media Portal to only use the secondary screen even when in Full screen?
Thanks in advance for your help


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    the problem is with DirectX, it only accelerates the primary screen on any given graphics card. There are work rounds, but they basically fake it by actually switching which is the primary and which is the secondary screens.

    Without DirectX acceleration, the MP interface will be drawn is software, this can create quite a load on the system.


    New Member
    April 4, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Ok, I found out about the problem with directX.
    But you talk about workarounds? I usually don't need the primary screen while using Media Portal, I just need to find a way to send it to the TV. For me it would also work if the screens are changed automatically on starting Media Portal and switched back when ending it. any idea if this can be done? It is just a little anoying to change the screens manually every time I want to use Media Portal on the big screen.


    New Member
    April 7, 2007
    I just joined the forum to ask a similar question. Interestingly, doing the fullscreen on my second display seems to work without any problems (using Windows Vista). However, i still want to avoid that step of dragging the window to the second screen and maximizing it. Is there any command-line parameter to setting i may have missing that achieves to display Media Portal on the second display?


    New Member
    April 4, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Interesting that it is working for you on the second sreen. Are you maximizing it to full screen with ALT+ENTER (real full screen) or do you only maximize the Window by clicking on the symbol? The maximizing the Window is working on my System but than I have the window border still on screen. If I drag the window to the second screen and hit ALT+ENTER it switches back to the primary screen.
    I am also using Vista. Which type of Graphik card do you have? Maybe this could make a difference? I am using a Geforce 8800.


    New Member
    April 7, 2007
    Well, you are right. I am merely maximizing the window. So our systems aren't that different after all. However, i'd still be able to do that in an automated fashion if possible.

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