htbackdrops down... forever? (2 Viewers)


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  • August 4, 2007
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    KiwiJunglist said:
    Important Notice:

    HT Backdrops was temporarily unavailable. The site is now backup but under the name An update to fanart handler with the new website address will be available shortly.

    27 Jul 2013


    As you may have seen, and read in other recent threads, htbackdrop site is down, and I would say that it won't return, as it redirects to:

    @cul8er, do you have any alternative in mind?

    Thanks a lot... I've had to reinstall all, and now I find I've lost all my erased artist backdrops already scrapped... :(

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    oh noes! I recently formatted and haven't bothered to do a full scrape :( :([DOUBLEPOST=1371041143][/DOUBLEPOST]

    XBMC Forums said:
    I just tried again, and got a blank page... nothing but a white screen. Looking at the address bar however, I was redirected to ""

    I hope this is just a late payment or mix up somewhere, as this is an email I got in response to asking about their site being offline just 3 weeks ago:

    Quote:Hi John!​
    The site has been running smooth for weeks. Two month ago we had problems with a high load of spam mails that took out the server for a couple hours.​
    Other than that, we only sometimes experience short downtimes in the range from 10 seconds to 5 minutes due to high traffic. Sadly our budget is so low that we only can effort one small server to run the site and do not have any kind of failover to keep it up during stress situations or maintenances.​
    To answer your question: If you experience downtimes it is just normal madness or a problem on your end. J​

    This has always been one of my favorite resources for Music Farart. I have also uploaded over three hundred 1920 x 1080 Artist Fanart's to fill in gaps for ones that were missing. So just sayin', I am not a complete leech and actively supported the site
    In fact I have 11 more here that I now have no where to upload.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1371041429][/DOUBLEPOST]If it's about money then maybe we can try and scrape together some cash for their site. If they had a donation page, then a single post on facebook and MP homepage blog entry might be able to drum up enough $5 donations, especially if XBMC & Meedios and anyone else using the scraper did the same.

    As far altenatives
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    Moderator - Spanish Forums
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  • August 4, 2007
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    It's getting worse... Error 500 now... Site is just dying...


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  • June 10, 2008
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    I've already messaged the owner of via his xbmc profile (last logged in May 2013), so hopefully he can give us some information on what might be happening.
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