Hello all.
I've been lurking around for a while and have got plenty of good info from this site, but this is my first post.
Basically like most people here, I'm building a HTPC from the ground up, and have decided to create a blog of the process. I'm not sure if anyone will find it a good read, but what the hell!
As I live in Australia, I'll put in as much location specific info as I can as it may help someone else out there with problems which are native to our fine country... EPG anyone???
Anyway, here's the link, and I'll try to update it as much as possible, and try to keep it interesting.
I've been lurking around for a while and have got plenty of good info from this site, but this is my first post.
Basically like most people here, I'm building a HTPC from the ground up, and have decided to create a blog of the process. I'm not sure if anyone will find it a good read, but what the hell!
As I live in Australia, I'll put in as much location specific info as I can as it may help someone else out there with problems which are native to our fine country... EPG anyone???
Anyway, here's the link, and I'll try to update it as much as possible, and try to keep it interesting.