alright, after fiddling with the Media Portal setup on an old PC converted Media Center PC I got the Leadtek video recorder (about 20 bucks on Newegg) awhile ago and configured it recently with Media Portal, so now My TV works and all the available channels can be viewed without lag however the menu laggs horribly, CPU usage (based on Task manager) is very high and there is no sound. Could the video portion at least be due to lacking/poor/old drivers for my video card? I ask because windows media player says there some communication problem between the video encoding and video driver or something, it recommends updating the driver, which I would, and I would download the Gigabyte provided driver too however its not connected to the internet yet cause I still have to hardwire a cable to that room. also there is some serious lag when playing an HD wmv video too (of crysis) in windows media player, CPU usage goes up to 100 percent at points when playing it. the proc. isn't damn old but it might have some hardware problems, so its hard to say (its an Atholon XP 2800 at 2.00Ghtz, and theres a gig of R.A.M.) LAST observation, using the (in my opinion) piece of crap DVR software that comes with the TV tuner, CPU usage doesn't ever get above 44% and stays at about 22 to 18%. Sorry to push this troubleshooting on to you but I have no clue whats up.