ICQ Plugin (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 5, 2007
Hamburg, die schönste Stadt der Welt
Home Country
Germany Germany
Finally my first Alpha of the ICQ-PlugIn is there.

You can Connect, receive and Send (text)Messages.

Some really basic stuff like statusdisplay is still missing and usability could also be improved.

nonetheless. My first version is there:


This procect uses OscarLIB which can be found there: http://oscarlib.sourceforge.net/


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  • March 2, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hello Tomato,

    it´s a great idea to program an ICQ plugin. I´ve downloaded this plugin from the German mediaportal website.. Iwoud like to give you a bug report:

    - I started the plugin and i wanted to enter my icq number. I clicked on setup button.
    a Window was opend. It was possbele to enter my number and password but I coudn ´t use my mouse in this window and there was no ok button. So I coudn´t use this plugin.

    I know it´s an alpha vesion but you should fix it.

    Please go on programming this plugin.



    MP Donator
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  • March 2, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Greets from Bavaria,

    I fixed it:
    it was my fault I have changed the DPI to 120 DPI to make reading easyier. Now it works.
    But when first time I started Mediaportal in setup mode, there was no posibility to cofigure the plugin.

    You should make the GUI better!
    Is there no German Topic of your Plugin?


    MP Donator
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  • March 2, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Now I have a new bug, isn´t it?:

    When I try to start the plugin configuration in Mediaportal Setup there comes a message:
    look into the atachment.


    Portal Member
    March 5, 2007
    Hamburg, die schönste Stadt der Welt
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Yep. There are news about the plugin. But I must admit not that kind of News you wanted to hear::sorry:

    First: I did not work very much on the plugin because of changing my job / City etc.

    Second: I decided to switch to vista MediaCenter. Don't blame on me for doing that. I still believe Mediaportal is a great product, but Vista Mediacenter just seems to fit to my personal requirements (especially as a developer) a bit better.

    So this is also my "Goodbye"-Post for you all.

    But to the good part:

    Because all the "non-Mediaportal" like sending/receiving messages / getting the buddy-list works it shouldn't be that hard for a MP-Developer to finish my work.

    So feel free to download the latest source and do what ever you want with the code. It's written in C# 2005 (.NET 2.0)

    If there is a serious attempt I also would give a bit assistance if needed.

    The final version is here: myICQ
    So farewell.


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