Idea for new MP game (1 Viewer)


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  • February 23, 2005
    Tulsa, OK
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    Idea - How about a MediaPortal game based on the MePo gremlin which Glenn (grassynoel) has created? The theme of the game could be along the lines of Mario Brothers side scroller (where Mario could be replaced with the gremlin). It is just a thought and could add a little more personalization to MediaPortal platform! I know that there is C# source code for a sidescroller game out there - it is called Texas Quest (written by Aaron Dail) more info can be found here in his blog: (more info about the game and tutorial link can be found here:

    What got me thinking along these lines is Glenn's new animated avatar which is tossing a tetris piece into the air.


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
    Tulsa, OK
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    Yes! Another time-filler... and without using to much brainpower (like with soduku)

    Not to put down women in general but my wife loves spider solitare and mahjong as two games she plays almost non-stop on the computer. I think is we can get more apps that appeal to the feminine mind well... then putting more hardware and software in the house appeals to us men. Right? It would be a win-win senerio! I'm hoping that someone will come up with solitare and mahjong for MP at some point in time. These along with the ability to see what movies are playing in the theater helps to bring MP to the TV set.


  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
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    Norway Norway
    I am all for more WAF @ MP!!!!

    MePo goes in that category as well...

    Btw: I was not being ironic in the above post; "braindead" games are nice sometimes!

    Other funs tuff: Chess (!!!), Backgammon etc.

    Online chess? Would love to play chess with the forum-members :-D ... an Hold 'em!!! (OK, I'm not being realistic, I know . but dreaming is nice...)


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
    Tulsa, OK
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    United States of America United States of America
    I am all for more WAF @ MP!!!!

    MePo goes in that category as well...

    Btw: I was not being ironic in the above post; "braindead" games are nice sometimes!

    Other funs tuff: Chess (!!!), Backgammon etc.

    Online chess? Would love to play chess with the forum-members :-D ... an Hold 'em!!! (OK, I'm not being realistic, I know . but dreaming is nice...)

    Online games is a possibility! It has been talked about before and I think this could be realistic and doable!

    But I think the more simpler game play with short duration and also maybe with family value (I think) will be the games to get out there and play. Not to say chess and backgammon aren't valid online games.

    Another possibility could be trivia type (maybe movie based) games to play against other teams - Maybe even use the little MePo gremlin to be used to taunt and ridicule (but not in a bad way) the people if they take too long - I am thinking about the game play used in the "You Don't Know Jack" games. This type of games could be used as a filler before watching a movie with friends and/or family. If we are looking at worldwide use then I would think playing an online game like this could be played anytime as long as there are enough people playing! Would be cute to have the little MePo gremlin to get up, tap his foot and ask you why you are taking so long. In creating a game like this maybe more than one developer would be needed?

    Online games only require a server (maybe a couple to allow mirroring) and the API to provide the storage of the moves and scores. The amount of space should not be much but the enjoyment factor could be huge!

    I think that most of the development brain power has been focused on the TV-client/server process and then some existing plugins and the new skin engine, I know some developers have left (hopefully will later return) due to life issues and we have picked up a couple. Some of the upcoming projects (TVserver and new skin engine) that will be released at a later time will provide MP with more exposure. With these new development, I think that more developers will want to come into the MP (especially those that may not know what project/task to work on) community who want to be a part of the development team then MP - we maybe able to point them towards projects such as these.

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