I'm glad I didn't pay for this. (1 Viewer)

Kenneth Abbott

New Member
June 1, 2013
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United States of America United States of America
I downloaded and installed MediaPortal 1.3.0 on a Win 7 x64 system. I'm not having interface issues or compatibility issues. After all the hype I've read about this software I was very disappointed to find out how un-userfriendly the settings menus are. MediaPortal doesn't seem to be able to find any of the music that I have saved on my local hard drives. I've changed the paths in the configuration program, had the database scan and re-scan several times. From the number of folder and file entries that I see appear during the database scan it appears to recognize my music, but nothing ever shows up in the music app inside MediaPortal. I've seen no errors at any time. Any ideas?


  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
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    Norway Norway
    I'm glad you didn't pay for it, as well - since it is ment to be free :).

    Please choose a meaningful topic, and if you really need to rant - do it in the post.
    Thanks for understanding.

    Kenneth Abbott

    New Member
    June 1, 2013
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    United States of America United States of America
    Yes, I read the wiki about how to point the music database at specific folders. I got rid of the folders that were set at installation because there is no music in them and pointed it to the one that has all my music in it. I don't know where the logs that you might want to see are, and honestly if I have to dig that deep into my system to make this software work, it isn't worth the effort.

    Well, I tried embedding some clips of screen shots of the config widow, but the forum host won't let me. So here goes:

    In the Music Folders page of the window the only folder I have listed is D:\Music\
    In the Music Database page I have the same thing with the box checked.
    I left all the other settings at the defaults.

    And as for ranting: If I were just ranting, I wouldn't have bothered posting an actual problem. I would have simply come here and started shouting about how bad this software is. Which, by the way, I don't believe to be the case. I like the interface: it's attractive, and very responsive, and doesn't seem to have any problems playing virtual DVDs. I was just disappointed that it seems to be incapable of finding mp3s in a folder full of them.[DOUBLEPOST=1370149323][/DOUBLEPOST]BTW Thanks for your interest jameson_uk and thanks for keeping things in check Spragleknas.


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Yes, I read the wiki about how to point the music database at specific folders.
    Probably a key that you've not yet found out about is views:

    So, MP can display the files as they are in your file system... or you can import them into the database and have logical views by artist, album etc.
    Shares view shows the files as they are in d:\Music\.
    The other views require you to scan your folders, else you'll just see nothing.

    This guide might help:

    I don't know where the logs that you might want to see are, and honestly if I have to dig that deep into my system to make this software work, it isn't worth the effort.
    For what its worth, we have a tool to help you grab the information that helps us help you:


    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    There are two ways MediaPortal can view your music

    Database View and Shares View

    Database view requires the following
    1. Your mp3 files have been tagged with artist, track, album, etc. Any files that are not tagged will not show in database view
    2. You have scanned your mp3 files into the database. Open MP Config: Music section, Add folder, then put a tick next to it so it is scanned, then click update database from selected shares

    Shares View:
    1. Will just browse the mp3 files by filename, it only requires that you have entered a folder location in Mp Config: Setup Music.

    To switch between views while using mediaportal you can use the menu on the left side of the screen, it's probably called "View Mode" or something like that.

    Kenneth Abbott

    New Member
    June 1, 2013
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    United States of America United States of America
    Thanks kiwijunglist.

    Well guys, I guess the 88th time is the charm. I went back in and set the folder in the "shares" view to the same folder again and amazingly enough I can see them now. Thanks for your patience. I'd love to know why that didn't just work the first time I did it.

    Kenneth Abbott

    New Member
    June 1, 2013
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    United States of America United States of America
    However, the database view is still not working.[DOUBLEPOST=1370152722][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm beginning to wonder if the UI just doesn't know where the database is.


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Nah, it's because

    1. Your mp3 files aren't properly tagged with artist/track info etc.

    2. You have no database setup (note it is "music database", not "music folders")

    See above, but put a tick next to c:\x, then click the update database from shares.
    It is an oversight that the screenshot doesn't have a tick in the box.
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