IMDB view bug? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 8, 2008
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
I have tested this with other skins but it does not cause media portal to crash like it does with monochrome. So I am guessing this is a monochrome issue.

To replicate this issue, go to the "imdb" info of a movie. Press right and it would normally go to the picture up button in which you can change the cover art. Media portal/ monochrome crashes when there's only 1 cover art (it takes time for it to discover there are alternatives) availiable. I'm guessing monochrome is programmed to go to the up arrow under the cover art but media portal will not let it since there's only 1 cover art. When that happens media portal crashes.

In a nut shell, if the movie has alternative cover art to choose from it works as normal, and you press right you go to the up arrow. No alt. cover art and you press right media portal crashes.

I have tested this with bluetwo. If there's one cover art and you press right, it would just go to the top of the list and select "play".

Thanks, I hope other people can replicate this and the fixe is easy.


Portal Pro
January 8, 2008
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
oh is it? I might be using the last version. Do you know which file is causing this? As I would rather just fix the file myself then reinstall monochrome (I've done some mods to it to suit me better).


Portal Pro
April 21, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway
My guess would be common.facade.videoimdb.xml.. you could try applying the new one and see if your problem persists.

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