IMon Remote Setup (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 2, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
I've been searching for about a week for any type of summary of how other people were able to get their IMon Remote (PAD) working with MP. I'm currently running MP 0.2.0RC1 and I have been able (I believe) to get the IMon VFD working through the built in plugin.

However, the remote is another matter altogether. I can use the remote running through the IMon application where it becomes another "mouse" but this does not allow for easy control over menu navigation not does it allow for shortcuts to My TV, My Videoes, etc.

Does anyone have a more comprehensive guide to getting the IMon remote to work with Mediaportal?

Tech Geek

Portal Pro
January 29, 2006
Denver, CO USA
fossks said:
I've been searching for about a week for any type of summary of how other people were able to get their IMon Remote (PAD) working with MP. I'm currently running MP 0.2.0RC1 and I have been able (I believe) to get the IMon VFD working through the built in plugin.

However, the remote is another matter altogether. I can use the remote running through the IMon application where it becomes another "mouse" but this does not allow for easy control over menu navigation not does it allow for shortcuts to My TV, My Videoes, etc.

Does anyone have a more comprehensive guide to getting the IMon remote to work with Mediaportal?

Been through this myself recently.

Double click on the icon for the iMon Manager running in the system tray.
The iMon Manager window should pop up.

If you haven't already tried to assign keys...
Click on the Setup button.
The setup IMON window should appear.
Click add program.
Find the mediaportal exe file and select it.
Now add commands for the buttons.
If I can find a way to export my settings I'll just forward my key config as a good starting place and you can just import it. Otherwise bring up the media portal setup window and it's keyboard shortcuts. Then you can assign the shortcuts one by one to keys on the remote.

p to the play button
b to stop
spacebar to pause
F8 to the next button
F7 to previous
F5 to rewind
f6 fast forward
pageup to ch+
pagedown to ch-
r to record
And asssign 1 through 10 to the 1 through 10 buttons.
The next keys require the MyKeys plugin.
t to MyTV
i to MyMusic
o to MyMovie
k to MyPhoto
D to MyDVD.
I left some of keys out for now.
Click on the Launcher tab and add MediaPortal to the list, then set the radio button to it so that you can launch MediaPortal from the big blue button above the ch and vol control buttons.
Click Exit.

Click on the option button.
Common should be selected on the left panel.
Select MediaPortal from the top right dropdown menu. (not sure this is required but it's what I did)
Select Keboard from the Initial Keyboard/Mouse mode drop down.
The next two checkboxes determine if a sound is played when an identified remote code or unidentified remote code is detected. Uncheck the box by unidentified if you don't want it to make annoying noises when you use other remotes. Decide what you want to do with the other one.

Now click on Indicator on the left side. Select Don't Show on the right dropdown.

Click on Mouse on the left side. Drop the speed so that when the remote is in mouse mode it's easier to control. (optional)

Click on System Volume on the left side. Set the dropdown to your audio hardware (will vary by setup) and set the Mixer Line to Master Volume.

Click Ok.

Click Go to tray.

That should get you started.


Portal Pro
November 6, 2005
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Tech Geek said:
Oh sure... now you tell me there's an IMO file already. I wasted an hour on setting that up!

Sorry bout that, but there is a search option on this forum :lol:


Portal Member
May 2, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
Forum Search Function

You know the first thing I did was a search on the forum. I admit I only looked at the first page of forum topics that were returned by the search engine. This included look into some of the threads which can be a number of pages long.

Now I am in no way shape or form a Noob, far from it. However, if a search cannot put valid responses in the first page or two of search results, human nature takes over, and we ask a new question.

Thanks for your replies, I will attempt to get this to work this evening, if my better half doesn't forbid me from touching the HTPC.

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