Install a plugin (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 16, 2006
Home Country
South Africa South Africa
Hey all,

not to sound particularly obtuse, but I feel it's unavoidable: how does a plugin get installed in MediaPortal?

I've downloaded a plugin or three (let's use My Status as an example).

I have unzipped it both to MediaPortal's root dir, and %MPROOT%/plugins.

I had hoped to see it magically appear next time I started MP, but alas. I then tried the MPSetup program, had a look in the plugins, but didn't see My Status anywhere.

I can't find any documentation that says, "right, this is how it's generally done", etc.

I wonder if someone would please fill me in :)

Many thanks,


Portal Pro
January 26, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany
All plugins should have a short instruction with them, cause some have files that have to be put into specific data directories, for example.

Rule of thumb: Plugins that display GUI stuff belong to Plugins/WindowPlugins, others to Plugins/ProcessPlugins. The rest is plugin specific, as mentioned above.

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