IPTV Scanning/viewing issue (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
March 22, 2008

Hoping someone can help me with the following issue. I have been running IPTV channels without issue for a while now (Win7 & Win10 PC) but all of a sudden none of my channels work if the Mediaportal IPTV Filter and url source splitter is installed (Georgeius latest version), if I use built in default DVB-IP filter it works fine but of course online Videos plugin doesn't.

I can confirm the channels work in vlc and the m3u file is clean, have tried to get channels working with new filter but no joy.

Can anyone help, let me know what logs would help and I'll post them.

Thank you


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Did you update tvserver recently?
    There's a bug present that removes the ability to use MPUrlSourceSplitter.
    Reinstalling/updating MPUrlSourceSplitter fixes it again


    Portal Member
    March 22, 2008
    No I haven't updated TVServer, I have witnessed the same problem across 3 pc's now.
    PC1 is Win7 running mp1.18 single seat this is my oldest mp installation and one that i have been using for a long while without issue until recently i had to uninstall Georgius version to get my m3u file to work.
    PC2 is a new install (Win10 MP1.28 Single seat) and will replace PC1 but same issue.
    PC3 is a purely test environment to isolate any possible plugin incompatibility this is Win10 MP1.28 Single seat , with no plugins installed at all IPTV m3u file works fine but as soon as I install Georgius version iptv doesn't work uninstall Georgius version works again, very frustrating....


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    well, that certainly is odd.
    If anything, georgius version should be working better, not worse than the standard stuff.
    Can you pm (because sensitive data) me a mpurlsourcesplitter.log of a failed attempt? (Please delete this file before starting the test)


    Portal Member
    March 22, 2008
    Whats the location of this log is it the one in Programdata\teammediaportal\mediaportal\log, if i delete this and run tests as per below a new file is not created, to confirm i am running all test using tv server scan channels and or preview channel


    Portal Member
    March 22, 2008
    OK done a clean reinstall of MP1.28 on PC3 test machine, placed m3u file in dvbip folder scanned a few channel and tested fine then installed iptv filter with the link you provided tried scanning and preview channel which did not work and i didn't get mpurlsourcesplitter.log created.
    I am using a vpn in all tests also fyi


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    checking the logs I do see that mpurlsourcesplitter is used and not the MPIPTVSource, but (didn't realize that) it logs to MPIPTVSource.log, so sorry for the confusion.
    Checking the logs I do see the attempts to start the stream but the result is a consistent "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
    My suspicion is that either your username/code combo isn't valid anymore or that you are missing some extra headers which triggers your provider's 401 response.
    From experience a missing useragent can be the cause.
    Can you edit a channel to add a useragent (can be simple, f.e. "curl/7.67.0" works for my provider) and try again with mpurlsourcesplitter?

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